It can monitor the instantaneous velocities at specified points in a flowing stream.
At what rate is the top of the ladder descending at the instant when the lower end is 7ft. away from the wall?
And this is just a Newtonian expression of momentum, the product of the mass of the electron times its instant velocity.
But DE Broglie has told us that the wavelength is related to the instant velocity through this formula.
Using integral algorithm to realize the computing of braking speed and braking distance and time.
An experimental unit for measuring instantaneous speed of high speed train passing through tunnel with a photoelectrical switch is designed.
The dynamic vibration of hydraulic system is characteristic of instantaneous velocity, pressure and its oscillation.
Based on the distribution of instant velocity, fluctuating velocity and average velocity, the flow status of turbulent flow is analyzed.
Many studies have shown that the amounts of vehicle emissions are typically affected by vehicles' instantaneous speeds and acceleration rates.
In addition, the instantaneous velocity is calculated, and its influencing factors are analyzed.
On the basis of Newton's second Law, a motion differential equation has been put forward, by which a formula to calculating instantaneous velocity has been obtained.
For an engine of a given horsepower, single cylinder engines require large flywheels to keep the momentary speed variations.
The results show that the control scheme and identification method are of better speed identification performances and control effects.
And now you will understand how we define the instantaneous velocity at time t which is different from an average velocity between two time intervals.
This paper presents some experimental results of the instantaneous macro-speed of diesel fuel spray and the micro-speed of droplets in a diesel fuel spray by using double pulse holographic technique.
In which time, the operation can be changed from batch autoclave to continuous one, under this condition the productive efficiency is the highest, the consumption of catalyst the lowest relatively.
MMA220 was used to catch the signal of acceleration, and the speed of which was obtained by segmental integral, so that the activity state can be deduced.
The results of preliminary experiments show that the distribution of stream-wise particle velocity follows the log-law, and the particle velocity is lower than the corresponding clean water flow.
By the method of frequency measurement, instant rotational speed is measured in the test system, angular acceleration is calculated by using the feature of the MCU with the least square method.
An experimental study was conducted of the cold-state flow field of a dual swirl gas burner model through the use of an IFA300 type two-dimensional constant-temperature hot-wire anemometer system.
A new method of visual location of mobile robot is put forward, and it can measure the relative distance between the mobile robot and goal by objective image.
When Stricklin pulled the handle, his plane was 140 feet off the ground, flying mostly level at 260 mph. In milliseconds, the plane fell another 100 feet before Stricklin actually left it.
When Stricklin pulled the handle, his plane was 140 feet off the ground, flying mostly level at 260 mph. In milliseconds, the plane fell another 100 feet before Stricklin actually left it.