I've started to think that carbon sequestration might be the best answer.
Also, the technology USES a lot of water and sequestering carbon underground isn't proven.
And the combination of poplar and wheat in particular is a good land-use option for increased carbon sequestration in farms, according to FAO.
This kind of CCS project might still go ahead in Norway but must be killed in many other countries.
This inevitably means that clean coal and carbon sequestration loom large on any bilateral energy agenda.
同时,大草原公司(Grasslands, LLC)还在探索碳封存货币化的方法。
Grasslands, LLC is also exploring means to monetize the sequestration of carbon.
We're also going to promote an energy partnership on shale gas resources as well as work to promote technologies and cooperation on large-scale carbon gas sequestration projects.
A wide field in Mattoon boasted easy access to a railway line, making delivery of the coal easy, and a sandstone substratum, apparently well suited for sequestering carbon dioxide.
Today, there are scientists and researchers shuttling between the companies and the research institute, working to develop cutting-edge solutions for cleaner-burning coal and carbon sequestration.
McCarthy said it's unlikely businesses will use carbon capture and storage, because the technology is still in the early demonstration stages and it's expensive.
同样化石燃料排放出的二氧化碳会被捕捉并储藏在底下——这个过程被称为“碳封存”(carbon sequestraion)。
There is also the potential to capture the carbon dioxide emitted from fossil fuels and store it underground—a process called "carbon sequestration."
Carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology can capture the carbon dioxide from coal and gas plants and prevent it from escaping to the atmosphere.
The legislation rightly champions CCS, though many environmentalists continue to oppose coal unconditionally.
The distinct parts of this process, known as carbon capture and storage (CCS), are already in operation.
Priority topics to be addressed will include energy efficiency in buildings, clean coal (including carbon capture and sequestration), and clean vehicles.
Most carbon-capture systems propose sequestering CO2 from large facilities such as power plants.
The question, he says, is: "How can rural landowners be compensated for sequestering carbon?"
No complete, full-scale carbon capture and storage plants have been built to date - the technology is still in its infancy.
But since it is 40 miles from the coast, transporting captured carbon for storage in the North Sea would be particularly difficult.
The UNEP's Steiner says "farming carbon" this way is far cheaper than new technology to capture and store carbon dioxide emissions at their source.
With fossil fuel-burning power stations continuing to be built rather thanclosed down there has been recent focus on technologies that capture and storethe carbon pollution produced.
Harvested wood must further be transformed into durable products, such as construction timber and furniture, for carbon to remain locked up.
Second, "if they are the right kind of plants, they have a chance to transfer a lot of carbon underground for long-term sequestration, " he says.
The two sides welcomed recent agreements between Chinese and U.S. companies, universities, and research institutions to cooperate on CCS and more efficient coal technologies.
Priority topics to be addressed willinclude energy efficiency in buildings, clean coal (including carboncapture and sequestration), and clean vehicles.
The potential for carbon sequestration in the soil is estimated at 5.5 gigatons annually with good land management practices, equivalent to 13% of current emissions from all sectors.
The potential for carbon sequestration in the soil is estimated at 5.5 gigatons annually with good land management practices, equivalent to 13% of current emissions from all sectors.