• 同盟国投下了成千上万的空降部队

    The allies landed thousands of airborne troops.


  • 20年前加入了第82空降

    He enlisted in the 82nd Airborne 20 years ago.


  • 福特属于第101空降

    Ford was attached to the 101st Airborne Division.


  • 第一空降师完全德军的凶猛火力压住了。

    First Airborne Division was heavily outgunned by German forces.


  • 第二世界大战期间在第92空降师服役

    During the second world war he served with 92nd Airborne.


  • 机场法国空降所控制。

    The airport is in the hands of French paratroops.


  • 波兰地下组织信使空降到了华沙

    He was a courier for the Polish underground and parachuted into Warsaw.


  • 如果空降回到1990年财富》500强公司我们很少看到有人使用旅程使命激情这样词汇

    If you and I parachuted back to Fortune 500 companies in 1990, we would see much less frequent use of terms like journey, mission, passion.


  • 觉得空降师中的战友认为我已濒临崩溃。

    I thought the soldiers in my airborne unit would think I was broken.


  • 首批侦察机开始空降行动

    So the first scouts start the landing operation.


  • 这些孩子们于1月5空降寒冬上海

    The group arrived late in the afternoon on January 5 to some of Shanghai’s coldest weather this winter.


  • 枪兵怎样登录空降

    How will Marines mount into a pod?


  • 空降经理行业陌生的只是缺少一些可行性管理技巧

    The Airhead is new to the industry or simply lacks any viable management skills.


  • 三个空降师,包括第82师101师,空投到了内陆地区

    Three airborne divisions, including the U.S. 82nd and 101st airborne, were dropped inland.


  • 2012年要白宫需要的不只是空降一名貌似可信候选人

    Moving on to the White House in 2012 will require more than alighting on a plausible candidate.


  • 第二天,俄罗斯派遣空降保卫俄罗斯位于该国北部坎特空军基地

    A day later Russia dispatched paratroopers to secure its Kant military base in the northern part of the country.


  • 一些军人练习降落伞空降技能,在军官监督吊在设备训练

    Some of them train skills in air landing with a parachute, hovering on the stocks under the supervision of an officer.


  • 尽管空降技术进步了,但士兵空中相撞,降落伞在空中缠绕可能

    Despite of the progressive ways of landing, there is still some possibility that troops will collide in air and their parachutes will tangle.


  • 果然周四上午8美军第101空降官兵驻守哨所里警报响了。

    Sure enough, just after 8 a.m. on Thursday, the alarm went off for a unit of the Army's 101st Airborne Division, based at the small outpost.


  • 这些空降队员首要的身份消防员迫不及待大火搏斗的年轻人

    The jumpers were firefighters first and foremost: young men impatient to get to a fire.


  • 队员们必须飞机上跳下,空降海面然后远处等候他们船只上

    SEALs must leap out of an airplane, parachute into the ocean, and then swim to the boat waiting in the distance.


  • 名101空降士兵在马哈姆迪亚城外俘虏听到了最让我胆颤心寒故事

    One of the grizzliest stories I heard from the place came after two soldiers from the 101st Airborne were captured outside of the city.


  • 日本银行继续空降日本总裁到海外(公司)管理运营不是提拔有才能外国人

    Banks continue to parachute in Japanese executives to run operations abroad rather than picking talented foreigners.


  • 任命loscher先生,个没有被污染的空降就是为了这个丑闻划清界限。

    Appointing Mr Loscher, an untainted outsider, was an effort to draw a line under the scandal.


  • 尼尔航空公司空降速度可能令人惊讶巴西名声一个官僚的,企业家日子难过的地方

    The speed with which Mr Neeleman has got his new company airborne is perhaps surprising given Brazil's reputation as a bureaucratic place where life is hard for entrepreneurs.


  • 它们不是人类相像:很多只是车轮的斑点,如果是被用于空降的,它们看起来只是虫子

    They do not look at all human: most are blobs on wheels or, if they are airborne, they may look like insects.


  • 成为空降消防员教官后,喜欢挑选丛林营地工作经历松树状锈病处理经验的队员。

    When he came to train jumpers himself, he liked to pick people who had done stints in brush camp or dealt with blister rust on pines.


  • 1949年夏天西部发生罕见火灾8时候一些“小弟”空降蒙大拿曼恩峡谷

    The summer of 1949 brought extreme fires to the West, and that August some ofhis boys” went to jump a fire at Mann Gulch in Montana.


  • 认为道琼斯纽约空降高管规整报到使报到各地记者一时灵感突发的影响。

    He says that its executives parachuted in from New York wanted to homogenise the reporting, to make its coverage less driven by the whims of correspondents in the field.


  • 认为道琼斯纽约空降高管规整报到使报到各地记者一时灵感突发的影响。

    He says that its executives parachuted in from New York wanted to homogenise the reporting, to make its coverage less driven by the whims of correspondents in the field.


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