• 一直记着童年时听过一个故事

    He was remembering a story heard in childhood.


  • 童年时根本没有得到过

    Love was totally absent from his childhood.


  • 童年代的精神创伤对抗试图祛除这种痛苦

    He confronted his childhood trauma and tried to exorcize the pain.


  • 童年时缺乏父母陪伴孩子们缺乏自信

    In the absence of parents' company in their childhood, these children will lack of confidence.


  • 童年条腿了。

    I became lame in both legs in my childhood.


  • 然而他们童年想出有趣的游戏

    However, they came up with interesting games to play in their childhood.


  • 肯定一个文化以及他们童年的成长方式所塑造的。

    It is most certainly shaped by a person's culture as well as how they were raised in their childhood.


  • 灵感来自童年土豆韭菜那是母亲祖母曾经过的。

    He was inspired by the memory of the potato-and-leek soup of his childhood, which his mother and grandmother used to make.


  • 这场运动重点玩耍教育价值以及努力重建童年期的休息自由玩耍间。

    Much of the movement has focused on the educational value of play, and efforts to restore recess and unstructured playtime to early childhood.


  • 回忆童年时的那座房子。

    I can still picture the house I grew up in.


  • 作者童年时作为这部小说的素材

    The writer uses her childhood as raw material for this novel.


  • 这本书写关于童年经受过性虐待的人。

    This book is written with survivors of child sexual abuse in mind.


  • 洛夫洛克自成一套的非主流表现可以追溯到童年时

    Lovelock's principled nonconformity can be traced to his childhood.


  • 精神分析专家们倾向认为受虐狂均童年时缺乏关爱所致

    Psychoanalysts tend to regard both sadism and masochism as arising from childhood deprivation.


  • 一段黛安娜一起度过安全漫长童年时确实大大影响了思想的形成。

    It was a very safe, long childhood with Diane, and she really moulded my ideas a lot.


  • 我儿子问起我的童年时,我告诉他那在河里钓鱼是多么愉快,人们是多么健康。

    When my son asks me about my childhood, I tell him about how pleasant it was to fish in the rivers and how healthy people were.


  • 童年时最信任我的祖父

    I trusted my grandfather more than anyone else in my childhood.


  • 哥哥童年

    This was my brother's time to be a kid.


  • 童年时妈妈温柔地安慰我。

    In my childhood, my mother would put arms around me and comforted me gently when I cried.


  • 对于不宽容态度很多解释有些可以追溯到童年时

    There are many explanations for intolerant attitudes, some dating back to childhood.


  • 许多学者认为这种倾向来源于童年父母孩子过度溺爱

    It's a tendency which many scholars believe begins in childhood due to parents who overindulge their kids.


  • 即使童年时,缺乏关于自己信息也是不快乐的一个源头。

    A lack of information concerning my own was a source of unhappiness to me even during childhood.


  • 他们之间的距离可能的,表明童年时竞争并不总是会消失

    Their distance may be temporary, but it shows that childhood rivalry isn't always outgrown.


  • 大部分童年法国度过,在那里,他每天几个在户外画画

    He spent much of his childhood in France where he spent many hours each day outdoors painting pictures.


  • 这些男生童年时的事情他们成年后的表现之间有着惊人的紧密联系

    The link between what the men had done as boys and how they turned out as adults was surprisingly sharp.


  • 发明兴趣可以追溯到他的童年时发明一种可以放入小刀叉子勺子

    His appetite for inventions went back to his childhood when he had devised a fork and spoon that could fit into a penknife.


  • 特里·莫菲特论文介绍童年时自我控制能力几十年后成年状况之间联系发表美国科学院院报》上。

    Terry Moffitt's paper on the link between childhood self-control and adults' status decades later is published in the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


  • 诺曼·洛克威尔20世纪艺术家,他从未过《屏幕上滑动手指男孩》这幅画,我们完美童年时的幻想也从未调整适应这种如今常见的场景

    Norman Rockwell, a 20th-century artist, never painted Boy Swiping Finger on Screen, and our own vision of a perfect childhood has never been adjusted to accommodate that now-common scene.


  • 我们童年时的光景历历在目

    Scenes from our childhood still appear vividly before us.


  • 父亲是个业余画家艺术书籍我的童年时起了很大作用

    My father was a sunday painter, and his art books played a formative role in my childhood.


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