The mentioned immobilized PH gradients iso-electrofocusing is a electrophoresis techniquedeveloped in 80' s.
Haemoglobin polymorphism of Chinese miniature horses was examined by agarose gel isoelectric focusing.
After quantification, the protein samples were separated by isoelectric focusing electrophoresis and then by SDS-PAGE.
Its isoelectric points are 3.85 and 4.35, determined by iso-eletric focusing electrophoresis.
Capillary isoelectric focusing (CIEF) is a more rapid technique for separating proteins that the traditional gel-based technique.
Separation mechanism, manipulation of electroosmosis, mobilization methods, detectors and some problems associated with the determination of samples are discussed.
The technique of IEF of single pollen grains and micro-operation provides a new and quick screening test applied to plant genetic breeding and developmental research.
The technique of IEF of single pollen grains and micro operation provides a new and quick screening test applied to plant genetic breeding and devel…
Proteins were separated and resolved in CIEF according to their differences in isoelectric point (pI), and then characterized by ESI MS.
Inheritance of PGI isozymes in chestnut species was analyzed using isoelectric focusing on thin layer polyacrylamide slab gels and single tree progeny method.
Its molecular weight is 64,000 and isoelectric point around pH 4.2 as determined by SDS-PAGE and isoelectric focusing analysis respectively.
The keratin compositions of the human and animal hairs belonging to 6 orders, 15 families and 20 species was studied by polyacrylamide gel isoelectric focusing (PAGIEF).
Methods: Saliva was collected from 33 healthy and 26 periodontitis individuals respectively, and analysed with isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gels.
Its pI was about 7.2. Conclusion:The thermostable lactase from strain of thermus sp A3 was different from lactases from other microorganism.
In this paper the isoelectrofocusing on polyacrylamide thin slab-bed was studied systematically and the method suited for analyzing photographic gelatin was established.
结论:SDS - PAGE和等电聚焦电泳均可获得燕窝蛋白质的特征性电泳图谱,用于鉴别不同品种燕窝及掺伪燕窝是可行的。
Conclusions: SDS-PAGE can be used in identification of EBN and IEF can be used to produce characteristic pattern of EBN by separating proteins.
从酯酶同工酶等电聚焦电泳得出,ABM-R种群的E7、E13和E15同工酶活力显著提高是导致ABM- R种群酯酶活力提高的主要原因。
Esterase isozyme upon isoelectric focusing eletrophores demonstrated that the high levels of total esterase activity in ABM R was due to the increased activities of E7, E13 and E15 isozymes.
Isoelectric focusing of STFC in thin-layer polyacrylamide gel obtained only one band as shown by Coomassie Blue staining.
Isoelectric focusing of STFC in thin-layer polyacrylamide gel obtained only one band as shown by Coomassie Blue staining.