• 如果喜欢这个程序卸载掉算了

    If you don't like the program, just uninstall it and forget it.


  • 算了吧!”插嘴道。

    'Forget it!' she cut in.


  • 算了我们继续玩,下一个

    Come on. Let's play. Who's up?


  • 但是办法算了吧。

    But no way. Forget it.


  • 普雷蒂教授同事算了英国农业外部性

    Professor Pretty and his colleagues calculated the externalities of British agriculture for one particular year.


  • 阿伦尼乌斯二氧化碳地球大气层能力但是其他化学家对此有异议

    Arrhenius calculated the capability of carbon dioxide to trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, but other chemists disagreed.


  • 算了,别那快活疯子游戏了,到此为止吧,伙计来给你找乐子,而不是找苦头。

    Come, play not thy merry game of madman so far, mate; use it for thy amusement, not thy hurt.


  • 科学家们第一次古典克雷莫纳小提琴木材现代小提琴的木材进行对比分析时,他们平均密度没有发现区别

    When scientists first analyzed the wood of vintage Cremonese violins in compared with the modern violin wood, they calculated the average density and found no difference.


  • 曼彻斯特大学一项研究二氧化碳(造成气候变化主要温室气体微波炉生产的每个阶段排放量产品制造废物处理

    A study by the University of Manchester calculated the emissions of CO2—the main greenhouse gas responsible for climate changeat every stage of microwaves, from manufacture to waste disposal.


  • 终于下来算了债务总和。

    I finally sat down to tot up the full extent of my debt.


  • 算了,情况本可能更糟的。

    Oh well, it could be worse.


  • 这些房间晚上20元太合算了

    The rooms are excellent value at $20 a night.


  • 这辆自行车300块钱太合算了

    At $300 the bike is excellent value.


  • 你们两个干吗和好算了

    Why don't you two kiss and make up ?


  • 认为了不起算了人各有所好嘛。

    She thinks he's wonderfuloh well, there's no accounting for taste.


  • 他们重新算了一遍。

    They had redone their calculations.


  • 打过电话,但拒绝了。”—“,那就算了吧。”

    "I called her and she said no."—"Oh well."


  • ,我已经丢了一半工作了,我还不如彻底放弃算了

    Well, I thought, I've already lost half my job, I might as well go the whole hog and lose it completely.


  • 算了吧,根本就知道认识

    Come on, she doesn't even know I know you.


  • 全都没了。收回来的就算了。”凯瑟琳

    "It's all gone, and what can't be cured must be endured," said Catherine.


  • 好吧算了吧。

    Well, go 'long with you.


  • 他们的评估之后舍伦贝格得出结论大部分文章错误地声称音乐训练因果效应

    After computing their assessments, Schellenberg concluded that the majority of the articles erroneously claimed that music training had a causal effect.


  • 算了, 别说了,休息

    Oh, forget it! Don't say any more about it. It's time for a break [rest].


  • 同意不要勉强

    Just drop the matter if he doesn't agree to it. Don't force him.


  • 算了一下,这个收支相抵。

    I figured that we could make both ends meet this month.


  • 愿意去就算了咱们反正

    If he doesn't want to go, he doesn't need to. We'll go anyway.


  • 我们旅费算了进去,忘了伙食费

    We figured in the travel expenses but forgot the cost of meals.


  • 我们这样算了吧。

    So we can let it go at that.


  • 算了,别说了。

    That's enough! Let it go at that.; Forget it.


  • 同志之间有些小矛盾,过去就算了不要老是耿耿于怀。

    Forget about trivial disagreements among comrades, and don't take them to heart.


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