• 尽量选取含糖量较少又富含纤维食物

    Choose foods with the least sugars and the most fiber.


  • 突变体表观直链淀粉脂肪纤维含量显著提高

    The crude lipid, crude fiber and apparent amylose contents in the mutant were enhanced significantly compared to those in the wild type.


  • 南瓜也是纤维热量食品不少需要减肥青少年追捧

    Pumpkin also is the food of low quantity of heat of crude fibre, be chased after to hold in both hands by the teenage place that many need reduce weight.


  • 纤维含量则随麦苗生长期延长不断增加导致出汁不断降低

    But the content of the raw fiber increase continuously with the extension in the growth period of the seedling of highland barley until the decline of the rate of juicing.


  • 含有疏水处理纤维织物透湿增加并且随着疏水处理粗纤维含量增加织物透湿性增强。

    Fabric with hydrophobicity coarse fiber has better moisture permeability, and with the increasing of coarse fiber content, the fabric moisture permeability is increased.


  • 用大豆植物生产纤维乙醇主要障碍就是要找到一种能够分解纤维的新的微生物

    Finding new microbial enzymes to break down tough cellulose is a major obstacle to producing cellulosic ethanol from plants such as soybeans.


  • 大部分粗纤维上,重要的是,大部分的养分在皮上,”

    "Most of the fiber is in the peel, but more importantly, most of the nutrients are in the peel," he says.


  • 虽然一些咀嚼其它植物但是生物学家认为这些粗纤维是用来助消化并且提供很有限营养

    Some cats munch on grass or other plants, but most biologists agree that such roughage serves only as a digestive aid and provides limited if any nutritional value.


  • 改装团队为汽车安装生物柴油引擎座椅改为粗纤维软垫座,地毯换为回收饮料瓶制造的聚酯纤维地毯。

    The team installed a biodiesel engine and refitted the interior with hemp-upholstered seats and EcoSpun flooring made from recycled soda bottles.


  • 白酒纤维过高,使配合饲料中的使用量受到很大限制。

    The utilization of distiller is confined greatly in the formula feed because of its high rough fibre.


  • 该文提出了一种降低白酒糟纤维含量工艺

    This paper expounded a new technology, which can effectively reduce the content of rough fibre.


  • 纤维含量燕麦许多运动员减肥人士早餐首选,当中的粗纤维可以他们提供更多能量

    Oats are already the breakfast of choice for many athletes and also for dieters, who find the high fibre levels give them energy for longer.


  • 白菜含有大量纤维促进胃肠道蠕动帮助消化防止大便干结。

    Cabbage contains a lot of rough fiber, can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis to help digestion, preventing stool stem node.


  • 用途主要用于纤维造粒木屑稻壳杆,棉籽皮杂草各种农作物秸秆工厂废弃物

    Uses: mainly used for crude fiber granulator, such as sawdust, rice husk, cotton stalks, cottonseed skins, weeds and other crops, straw and plant waste.


  • 本文根据反刍动物蛋白质脂肪营养代谢特点较为详尽阐述了日中蛋白质脂肪水平纤维消化影响

    According to the characteristic of the ruminant protein and fat metabolism, Detailed explaining the influence of protein and fat level on the digestibility of crude fiber in ruminant diet.


  • 通过枇杷果肉饮料成分分析,确定影响稳定性主要因素纤维不溶性果胶蛋白可溶性果胶等成分。

    From the analysis on the ingredients of loquat pulp juice it was found that the primary factors influencing the stability were crude fiber, insoluble pectin, crude protein and soluble pectin.


  • 实践证明,在榨油机料段附加一个带阻转套是实现油分、纤维含量油料榨油机中顺畅喂料的行之有效的方法。

    The feeding zone with a grooved bushing can work successfully out transport of the special soft oilseed with high oil content and low crude fiber content without other forced feeding sets.


  • 骨折修复过程中,不同时期内可以见到种不同:(1)纤维编织状骨,(2)纤维板层状骨,以及(3)混合性小梁

    Three types of bone calli were observed in different phases during the bone repair: 1 trabeculae with coarse woven fibers, 2 trabeculae with fine parallel fibers, and 3 the mixed type.


  • 这种线普通线。纤维经过烧毛处理然后浸入苛性苏打水中,使纤维膨胀。 收藏。

    These are standard threads which have had the rough fibers 'gassed' off and which have been immersed in caustic soda to swell the fibers.


  • 纤维灰分含量春季最低其它季节明显地增加

    The content of crude fibre and crude ash content was minimum in spring, but in other season have increase obviously.


  • 测定黄大豆农产制品纤维目前采用国内国外通用的标准方法费时费力,而且操作繁琐,难以控制。

    At present, the coarse fiber in soybean and agricultural food products is determined by the standard method commonly used in home and abroad.


  • 结果表明引进种当地品种蛋白含量纤维含量灰分含量存在显著差异

    The results showed that there were distinct differences of crude protein, crude fiber and ash content between introduced and local cultivars.


  • 结果表明虫害指数高低当年枝条长度数、芽密度纤维含量无关,而与当年生枝条韧皮部、木质部容重之间存在显著的线性关系

    The result shows the amount of the index of harm has no connection with the length of branches growing in the very year, the quantity of buds, the density of buds and the content of raw fiber.


  • 分析比较巨大口蘑野生栽培子实体中的矿质元素氨基酸蛋白多糖、甘露醇、脂肪灰分纤维含量。

    The contents of mineral elements, amino acids, crude protein, polysaccharide, fat, ash and crude fiber in the wild and cultured fruiting bodies of Tricholoma giganteum were analyzed and compared.


  • 研究精细化改性预处理工艺亚麻粗纤维性能影响

    The effect of refining modifying pretreatment of the scutching tow on its properties was researched.


  • 2浓度增加玉米籽粒蛋白纤维含量影响呈负效应,对淀粉影响呈正效应。

    With CO_2 concentration increased, negative effects on corn seed rough protein, rough fiber and contents of total carbohydrate were observed but the starch of corn was positively effected.


  • 研究表明:饲料纤维水平影响兔机体健康生产性能发挥重要因素

    These results showed: the crude fiber level was one of the most important factors in the feed which could effect the healthy and performance of the rabbits.


  • 研究表明:饲料纤维水平影响兔机体健康生产性能发挥重要因素

    These results showed: the crude fiber level was one of the most important factors in the feed which could effect the healthy and performance of the rabbits.


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