• 介绍一种钢包精炼炉智能控制系统

    An intelligent ladle furnace (ILF) control system is presented.


  • 融化的钢水精炼炉这些装置许多来自法国

    Molten steel is poured into a refinery furnace. Many of these machines were brought in from France.


  • 发明涉及一种精炼炉铸铁水冷,炉盖以铸件代替焊接件。

    The invention relates to a cast iron type water-cooling furnace cover of a refining furnace, which adopts a casting instead of a welding part.


  • 钢包精炼炉泡沫精炼工艺提高热效率降低生产成本的有效手段

    The technology of foaming slag refining is a effective method to improve heating efficiency and reduce the cost.


  • 电炉(EAF)、钢包精炼炉(LF)VD电弧炼钢关键设备

    EAF (Electric Arc Furnace), LF and VD are key equipments of steel-making.


  • VD精炼炉真空抽气泵工作时蒸汽压力稳定流量具有周期性,间断使用

    The pressure of the steam used in the vacuum pump of VD refining furnace is stable, but its flow is periodic.


  • 公司拥有感应电炉电弧精炼炉特种管机多种中型配套设备

    The company has induction furnace, electric arc furnace, ladle furnace, special machines and other pipe large, medium-sized equipment.


  • 系统国内第一套用于微碳铬铁电弧精炼炉过程控制计算机化的控制系统。

    It is the first fully computerized system for the process control of arc refiners in China.


  • 介绍了国内目前容量最大钢包精炼炉设计运行情况、设备组成结构特点

    Design and construction features of the present largest capacity ladle refining furnace in China ore presented. its operation is recommended also. .


  • 研究分析了马钢s KF钢包精炼炉精炼操作存在问题,提出了优化的精炼渣系。

    The problems existing in the process of refining the slag in the SKF ladle furnace in Maanshan Steel are analyzed and ways to optimization of the refined slag found out.


  • 由于炼钢厂转炉蒸汽大量放散,RH真空精炼炉使用转炉蒸汽可行性进行了分析

    The paper analyzed the feasibility if converter steam can be used to RH refining furnace, because large quantity steam from converters waste heat boiler is released.


  • 通过加工破碎调整粒度配比等工艺参数,研制开发出铁合金精炼炉补炉料

    By means of crushing and conditioning the size ratio, fettle material and mud powder to plug tap-hole for electric refining furnace use were developed.


  • 通过LF精炼炉成分快速分析相结合进行钢水成分微调,从而控制成分波动范围

    To adjust finely the composition of molten steel by combining LF finery with fast analysis of composition, the composition control in a limited scope can be realized.


  • 本文叙述了VOD精炼炉PL C控制系统,以及建立采用VOD精炼过程控制数学模型

    In this paper, the PLC controlling system of the VOD secondary refining is discussed, and the controlling mathematic model of VOD refining is given.


  • 压缩空气模拟氩气搅拌,对LF V -40型钢包精炼炉吹氩气工艺进行水力学模型实验研究

    Hydraulic model investigation was conducted by using compressed air to simulate the bet-tom-blown argon stirring process of LFV 40 ladle refining furnace.


  • 钢包精炼炉熔池搅拌混合行为普通吹钢包的主要区别加热用的交流电弧相对较厚的精炼

    Compared with ordinary bottom stirring ladle, heating arc and much more slag are main differences of ladle furnace.


  • 本文介绍LF精炼炉氩过程控制系统工作原理工艺要求建模过程、控制策略以及控制系统的实现

    This thesis introduces the working principle, craftwork requirement, modeling process, control strategies and the realization of LF refining furnance bottom blowing Argon control system.


  • 蒸汽RH 精炼炉真空泵抽真空所需关键介质直接转炉蒸汽用于生产国内冶金企业一直解决难题

    Steam is key medium for vacuum pumping of RH refining furnace. Direct use of converter steam in production is a difficult problem that has been solving in metallurgic enterprises.


  • 介绍了天利用顶底复转炉、LF精炼炉方坯连铸高速线材轧机工艺生产ts06拉丝专用钢盘条实践

    The practice of the process of top-bottom blowing converter-LF refining furnace-billet casting-high speed wire rod mill for producing special TS06 wire-drawing steel wire rod is briefly introduced.


  • 本文简单介绍贵阳特殊钢有限责任公司电炉炼钢车间电炉—精炼炉—连铸机三位一体短流程工艺路线设计特点

    This article gives a brief introduction of the design features of the mini-mill type process routine integrating EAF-LF-CCM of the EAF steelmaking shop of Guiyang Special steel Co. Ltd.


  • 产品主要用于冶金行业平炉炉顶、电炉炉顶、精炼炉及各种有色金属冶炼炉此外水泥回转窑玻璃热室部位。

    Their main usage are for metallurgical industry for example, ferrous smelting furnace; Besides, they are also used in the sintering zone of cement rotary kiln and regenerator of glass furnace, etc.


  • 介绍VOD精炼炉自动化控制系统,包括一级自动化控制系统(基础自动化)和二级自动化控制系统构成特点及应用和改进。

    This paper presents the VOD finery automation control system. It also introduces the structure characteristic of 1 level automation system(elements Automation) and 2 level automation system.


  • 最后针对某典型工程应用系统—基于PROFIBUS现场总线PLCVD精炼炉分散控制系统,考虑了主站plc的延迟,分析了其PROFIBUS现场总线实时性能

    Finally, for the typical project of VD refining furnace which is based on PROFIBUS and PLC, with consideration of PLC scanning time delay, the real-time performance of PROFIBUS is analyzed.


  • 最后针对某典型工程应用系统—基于PROFIBUS现场总线PLCVD精炼炉分散控制系统,考虑了主站plc的延迟,分析了其PROFIBUS现场总线实时性能

    Finally, for the typical project of VD refining furnace which is based on PROFIBUS and PLC, with consideration of PLC scanning time delay, the real-time performance of PROFIBUS is analyzed.


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