Consciousness has arisen as a key topic in contemporary philosophy of the mind.
Metaphysicomentalanalysis is a kind of philosophy which mainly using intuition and introspection to analyse mental metaphysics.
Huainan Zi, as a significant work of ideology of the West Han Dynasty, possesses abundant thoughts of ideological philosophy.
Intentionality is a philosopher's concept originally researched thoroughly in mental philosophy, which later was used in the philosophy of language.
One also regrets that not much is done in India to keep alive the philosophy and spirit of Mahatma Gandhi, one of Asia's few twentieth-century universal thinkers.
In philosophy at present we hear little of the soul: the favourite term is now mind (spirit).
Self-culture is a term the Transcendentalists used to convey an overarching philosophy of the spirit.
Where other methods - mathematical proof, archival research, philosophical reasoning - are more relevant it calls for them instead.
In theory, psychoanalysis is the philosophy of the unconscious mind; in practice it is a means by which mental disorders can be cured.
These voyages helped to spread not only tangible but also the spiritual and philosophical components of Chinese culture.
He is also the idea of the year, his triumph being philosophical as well as personal.
He had gray hair, a serious eye, the sunburned complexion of a laborer, the thoughtful visage of a philosopher.
他们倾向于信教,研究哲学或精神信仰来建立生存的意义,建立一种归属感。 而这是他们失去所爱的人之前从未经历过的。
They tend to adopt religious, philosophical, or spiritual beliefs to create meaning in their lives and provide a sense of belonging that they either never h ad or lost when their loved one died.
Mind is essentially active in the same sense as the Schoolmen [Scholastics] said that God is 'absolute actuosity'.
The reason it doesn't work has to do with our psychological wiring, says Harris Stratyner, Ph.D, a psychologist and the director of addiction recovery services at the Mount Sinai Medical Center.
Their work connects us to belief systems and philosophies; it captures both the daily life and the spirit of indigenous communities.
Indeed, the laughter in medicine, sports, philosophy, spirit, as well as all aspects of health, be able to endure all the tests, so that a good thing after all, why not?
It's all in the mind, he said, and his philosophy is to always be "mentally fit."
The consciousness of reason, which aims at rationality, is most essential to the philosophical spirit of modernity.
The theoretical backgrounds of this spectacle come from the transition from the "rational spirit" to the "perceptional experience" of western classical philosophy.
In China, the Dionysian spirit to the source of Taoist philosophy.
该项研究的首席研究员是韩国首尔国立大学精神病学教授 医学和哲学博士Kyoon Lyoo。
The study's lead investigator was Kyoon Lyoo, M.D., Ph.D., a professor of psychiatry at Seoul National University in South Korea.
Philosophical realm and its spiritual intention indicate properly the transcendental, ideal, and critical nature of man, thus show completely the character and attractiveness of philosophy.
Philosophical realm and its spiritual intention indicate properly the transcendental, ideal, and critical nature of man, thus show completely the character and attractiveness of philosophy.