The following lecture course is an interpretation of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit.
In a sense, the beginning of phenomenology of Mind is "the secret origin" of all Hegel's philosophy.
Then we analyze an anti-rational tendency through hegel's discussion of physiognomy and phrenology in phenomenology of spirit.
One sat in my room with a beer and “The Phenomenology of Spirit,” reading out a sentence at a time and stopping to ask, “All right, what did that mean?
On Sunday I returned to this damned satire called the Phenomenology of Spirit, wondering whether I wasn't misleading you last time when I was indulging myself in.
But it is tiring over ten sides on the phenomenology of Hegel, and downright dangerous on a doctor’s prescription.
Hegel has expanded his view on philosophy in "the Preface of Phanomenologie des Geistes" and distinguished his philosophic conception from Kant and Schelling through the statement of philosophy.
Hegel has expanded his view on philosophy in "the Preface of Phanomenologie des Geistes" and distinguished his philosophic conception from Kant and Schelling through the statement of philosophy.