Yehuda is the chief psychiatrist at New York's Veteran's Administration Hospital.
Who can have access to reports prepared by company doctors and psychiatrists?
"If you see this kind of behavior, it's really wise for that person to get an evaluation by a mental health professional," she said.
Graham Murray, a psychiatrist who led the study, said the findings may provide clues to how humans came to be sociable beings.
Thase, a psychiatrist at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, has participated in some of the research that suggests that talk therapy can be beneficial.
She may also feel a strong desire to do more for herself, and her career, after decades of caretaking, explains neuropsychiatrist Louann Brizendine of the University of California.
He or she is neither for nor against one party in alegal proceeding, and everything the expert discovers or determinesis reported in court, whether it favors the defense or prosecutionarguments.
美国威尔-康尼尔医学院的精神病学专家RichardFried man说,再没有比中年危机更好的理由来解释这些反常行为了。
"There is no handier excuse for human misbehaviour than the midlife crisis," says Richard Friedman, professor of psychiatry at America's Weill Cornell Medical College.
a professor of law and psychiatry at the University of Southern California and a specialist in mental health law.
The other is Francine Cournos, M.D., a professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia University and an HIV expert.
Researcher Alexandros Vgontzas, a sleep expert and professor of psychiatry, monitored young men and women who spent 13 consecutive nights in his sleep lab.
The interdisciplinary group of contributors includes leading experts in hospice care and palliative medicine, oncology, nursing, neurology, psychiatry, anesthesiology, and pharmacology.
The interdisciplinary group of contributors includes leading experts in hospice care and palliative medicine, oncology, nursing, neurology, psychiatry, anesthesiology, and pharmacology.