I proudly pointed at the pig's feet braised in soy sauce, revelling in my own achievement.
My darling, look! I have cooked some delicacies for you: pig's ear cooked with five spice, pig's feet braised in soy sauce, bean curd in spicy sauce and preserved eggs!
我端出一盘热气腾腾的豆腐、一盘鱼香肉丝和一盘红烧猪蹄。 “辣辣的麻婆豆腐是四川特色菜,来尝尝!”
The spicy Mapo bean curd is a Sichuan speciality, please try it!
我端出一盘热气腾腾的豆腐、一盘鱼香肉丝和一盘红烧猪蹄。 “辣辣的麻婆豆腐是四川特色菜,来尝尝!”
The spicy Mapo bean curd is a Sichuan speciality, please try it!