Here Buddha console Cunda person who donate last meal to the Buddha.
This is evil to thee, Chunda, and loss to thee in that when the Tathagata had eaten his last meal from thy provision, then he died.
And the Blessed one addressed the venerable Ananda, and said: 'Now it may happen, Ananda, that some one should stir up remorse in Chunda the Smith, by saying.
Thereupon the Blessed One, in the forenoon, having got ready, took bowl and robe and went with the community of bhikkhus to the house of Cunda, and there sat down on the seat prepared for him.
Thereupon the Blessed One, in the forenoon, having got ready, took bowl and robe and went with the community of bhikkhus to the house of Cunda, and there sat down on the seat prepared for him.