• 介绍一种基于像素点颜色绝对误差图像插值算法

    This article introduces an algorithm of interpolation, which is based on the absolute error of pixel in color.


  • 本文考虑绝对误差和最小准则线性回归模型估计

    This paper considers the estimation in the linear regression model under the criterion of minimizing the sum of absolute errors.


  • 结论周向应力近似公式及其绝对误差公式简单易行,便于临床应用。

    Conclusion the approximate formula of circumferential stress and the absolute error is accepted, which is easy for the application.


  • 相关评价指标绝对误差指标联合应用对QRS波分辨率高达99.48%。

    The resolution rate of QRS complex was 99.48% both with relative index and absolute error index.


  • 不同浓度酒精溶液进行了测量实验,浓度测量绝对误差小于0.02%。

    Different concentrations of a set of alcohol solution were measured experimentally; the system measurement error is no more than 0.02 %.


  • CT得的平均密度煤油法测定值相比,平均绝对误差不到1 . 2 %。

    Comparing mean density measured by CT with kerosene mass method, mean error is less 1.2%.


  • 实验表明读数方法绝对误差零,非常适合高精度指针式仪表自动跟踪判读

    The experiment shows that the absolute error of the reading approach is zero, which is applicable to automatic tracking reading of high-precision meter very well.


  • 顾名思义平均绝对误差绝对误差平均值其中fi是预测值yi是实际

    As the name suggests, the mean absolute error is an average of the absolute errors, where is the prediction and the true value.


  • 通过相关雷达参数相对误差回波强度绝对误差曲线分析得出,雷达参数天线增益优于0

    Through the correlation radar parameter relative error and the echo intensity absolute error curve analysis, when the radar parameter antenna gain surpasses 0.


  • 推导封闭腔内辐射传递系数相对绝对误差公式求解辐射传递系数所需追踪射线数量提供参考依据

    The relative and absolute error equations of closures are deduced, which can be the reference of tracing ray quantities for solving the radiation transfer coefficient.


  • 测量一些稳态电压调整非常小的电机时,会出现测量用电压表最大绝对误差大于稳态电压调整的范围。

    When we measure the electric machines with little steady voltage adjusting rate, the absolute error of the voltmeter reaches out of the range of the steady state voltage adjusting.


  • 结果表明采用曲线拟合法能使测距绝对误差3个采样以内,传统反射起始确定方法相比较大优势。

    The absolute error is no more than 3 sampling points, so it has more advantages compared with the traditional methods to judge the start point of reflect wave.


  • 详细分析了周期频率利用编码器脉冲计算超低转速时的分辨率绝对误差给出了影响转速测量影响因素

    The resolution and error were analyzed based on frequency measurement and period measurement, and the factors were given that influencing the speed measurements.


  • 模拟结果BP网络方法、R BF网络方法相比,在绝对误差相对误差、相关系数以及数据方差方面都是较

    In comparison with BP method and RBF method, the SVM method is proved to be the best in terms of absolute error, relative error, correlation coefficient and variance.


  • 采用确定系数绝对误差相对绝对误差均方根误差、相对均方根误差模型评价指标对不同模型系统精度进行比较分析。

    Coefficient determination, absolute bias, relative absolute bias, root mean square error and relative root mean square error were employed to evaluate the precision of different model systems.


  • 采用该BPNN模型巴西棕榈川蜡改性石蜡滴熔点进行了预测,预测结果误差为改性石蜡滴熔点预测的绝对误差A。

    Dropping-melting points of the olefin modified by Brazil carnauba wax and Chinese wax were predicted using the modified BPNN. The predicting absolute deviations a.


  • 现场收集数据进行仿真学习,结果表明预测模型收敛速度具有较高的预测精度平均绝对误差达到0.002 7%。

    Some data were chosen to train the network model. The results show that the convergence rate was faster, the model had higher accuracy, the average absolute error can reach 0.002 7%.


  • 激光器原始测距误差为出发点,依据误差传递公式,分析了测量机翼变形量的绝对误差相对误差,并给出了计算仿真结果和相应的图形。

    According to original laser measure error and error analysis transfer expressions, calculations about absolute errors and relative errors of the measuring deformation of wing were performed.


  • 结果显示模型预测效果明显优于传统线性自回归预测模型,各月平均的平均绝对误差MAE误差RMSE)达到41.8和55.7。

    Results show that the RBFNN is obviously superior to the traditional linear model, and its MAE (mean absolute error) and RMSE (root mean square error) are 41.8 and 55.7, respectively.


  • 结果显示模型预测效果明显优于传统线性自回归预测模型,各月平均的平均绝对误差MAE误差RMSE)达到41.8和55.7。

    Results show that the RBFNN is obviously superior to the traditional linear model, and its MAE (mean absolute error) and RMSE (root mean square error) are 41.8 and 55.7, respectively.


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