• 综合经济效益普通绑扎钢筋提高15%左右

    The synthesis economic efficiency is high: Compared to binds the steel bar to enhance about ordinary 15%.


  • 公司科技研发水平、综合经济效益多年名列国内同行业前茅。

    The company remains ahead of its peers in terms of research and development and comprehensive economic benefits in China for years.


  • 针对工程实例分析结构住宅不同结构体系综合经济效益

    Its advantages are obviously showed by analyzing and comparing the comprehensive economic benefits for various structural systems used by steel construction residence.


  • 石油化工企业平衡问题,与其能耗综合经济效益很大关系

    The balance of dry gas in petrochemical enterprises is closely related to energy consumption and comprehensive economical benefits.


  • 体积百叶机相比提高11.47%,综合经济效益显著

    The impurities removal efficiency has increased by 11. 47% (by volume) as compared with the old seperator, the marked benefit is recognized.


  • 沈阳电厂实际运行数据为例,对其综合经济效益进行分析估算

    Overall economic benefit is analyzed and evaluated by using the actual heat supply data of Shenyang Electric Power Plant.


  • 本文综合经济效益大为目标函数配电网优化方法进行了研究。

    Reactive power optimization of distribution network has been studied in this paper, taking maximum synthetical economic benefit as objective function.


  • 基于寿命周期成本粮仓项目决策可使粮仓项目综合经济效益达到优。

    The granary project decision-making based on life cycle cost proceeds can provide the optimal comprehensive economic benefits for granary projects.


  • 目标满足方面要求条件使建筑物综合经济效益最佳”。

    The object of this decision-making is to seek the greatest integrative economic benefit of buildings' construction under the condition of meeting sorts of requirements.


  • 将该技术应用合成氨生产增加综合经济效益295 14

    The technology was applied in the production of syngas, and can save general expenses by 295.14 yuan per ton syngas.


  • 从而节省建筑空间大幅度降低住宅平均层高提高住宅综合经济效益

    Therefore, it saves the structural space and reduces the average height of residential houses, and lift up the overall economical benefit of houses.


  • 该文提出了埋地动力污水处理装置方法分析了环境效益综合经济效益

    The paper gives out the new way to treat sewage by underground no - power sewage treatment equipment. Analyzes its environmental benefits and integrated economical benefits.


  • 护炉作为一项工艺简单综合经济效益技术许多厂家推广使用

    As a simple process and a new technology of high economic benefit, the slag splashing is being widely spread and applied by many manufacturers.


  • 船舶涂装技术船舶建造修理中占有重要地位事关船舶工业综合经济效益提高

    Painting technology, which concerns the increase of the synthetic economic-benefit of ship industry, plays an important role in shipbuilding and ship-repairing.


  • 寿命耐用度高。使停机次数生产辅助时间减少,废品率下降综合经济效益大大提高。

    Long life and wear resistant. Longer Availability work time and lower wastrel rate, reduce the overall cost.


  • 随着我国石油进口量不断增加建造大型地下储油洞库无疑一种综合经济效益良好方案

    With the increase of imported petroleum in China, constructing large underground petroleum storage caverns is no doubt a project with better comprehensive economic effect.


  • 传统甲烷生产工艺引入吸附分离,使甲烷法装置综合经济效益社会效益比较理想。

    By introducing adsorptive separation technology in traditional methane method unit, good integrate economic benefit and social benefit may be obtained.


  • 系统稳定可靠操作便利取得降低轧制压力确保轧制质量提高产量综合经济效益

    Stable, reliable and easily-controlled, this system has achieved comprehensive economical benefits to reduce rolling pressure, ensure rolling quality and raise machine production.


  • 通过大量的生产实践说明,采用有效技术措施可以明显改善经营状况,提高综合经济效益

    Practice showed that the business management could be improved greatly and the synthetic economic benefit could be enhanced considerably by adopting effective technical measures.


  • 2003年,全国主要红色旅游景区(点)共接待游客约1亿人次,产生综合经济效益约200亿

    In 2003, major Red Tourism sites had 100 million tourist arrivals, with 20 billion Yuan of comprehensive economic benefits realized.


  • 并且根据经济分析证明硅藻土改性剂存在明显综合经济效益优势具有较大推广使用价值研究意义

    Furthermore, this paper considers that diatomite have obviously integrated advantage of economic benefit, biggish application value and research significance by economy analysis.


  • 本文从烧结工艺使用效果综合经济效益方面铝矾土石英砂感应电炉炉衬上的应用做了对比

    There are three respects of contrast between high alumina and silica sand in using for induction furnace Lining. They are the sintering technology, the using effect and the synthetic economic results.


  • 具有施工便捷、功效噪音小、现场整洁优点综合经济效益社会效益良好,具有较大的推广使用价值。

    It has the merits of easy operation, high efficiency, low noise and tidy workplace. For its good economic and social benefits, it is worth being spread.


  • 这个模型能够全面综合评价风险投资方案经济效益风险大小,有助于正确决策

    This model enables us to analyse thoroughly and comprehensively the economic benefits and risks of the risk investment plan, and contribute to make correct decisions.


  • 本文阐述了铀矿床中的矿产资源综合利用地质基础可能带来的经济效益及社会效果。

    The geological basis and economical benefits of comprehensive utilization of mineral resources in uranium ore deposits are described in this paper.


  • 结果我院药剂科社会效益指数经济效益指数综合效益指数值逐年增加,结果客观实际相符。

    RESULTS: The index values of social effects, economic returns and comprehensive benefits increased year by year, which was in line with the objective actuality.


  • 试验证明,方案1生产传动轴管综合性能最好满足使用要求取得较显著经济效益

    The experiments show that the comprehensive properties of pipes produced by the process no. 1 can best meet the requirements of application with evident economic results.


  • 通过改造方案实施,对各项参数进行综合比较最后得出改造综合运行状况经济效益

    Through transform implementation of scheme, go on and compare synthetically to every parameter, finally comprehensive operation conditions and economic benefits after transforming.


  • 通过改造方案实施,对各项参数进行综合比较最后得出改造综合运行状况经济效益

    Through transform implementation of scheme, go on and compare synthetically to every parameter, finally comprehensive operation conditions and economic benefits after transforming.


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