The green sea turtle, could only swim around in a very limited range because she only had one flipper.
A Hawaiian green sea turtle swims in just a few feet of water.
United States—At a Maui aquarium a Hawaiian green turtle makes a guest appearance.
Green sea turtles are one of the most endangered animal species on the planet.
Green and loggerhead turtles return to this sandy beach each year to lay their eggs.
There were green turtles in our seas eons before dinosaurs tramped the Earth;
A green turtle glides over a wasteland of dead coral near Kanton island in the central Pacific.
The islands are also the primary home of the 1, 400 surviving Hawaiian monk seals and most remaining Hawaiian green sea turtles.
The islands are also the primary home of the 1,400 surviving Hawaiian monk seals and most remaining Hawaiian green sea turtles.
A group of 33 young Green, Kemp's Ridley, Hawksbill and Loggerhead sea turtles returned to paddle the briny waters of the Gulf of Mexico on Oct. 21.
On the tiny nursery's sandy beach, the expectant mothers carve out nests and lay their eggs before heading back home.
Before being fitted with her artificial fin, which her handlers refer to as her "ninja suit," Allison the green sea turtle could only swim around in tight circles because she only had one flipper.
All 33 turtles represent rare members of the Gulf's ecosystem. Green, Kemp's Ridley and Hawksbill sea turtles are endangered species. Loggerheads are listed as threatened.
All 33 turtles represent rare members of the Gulf's ecosystem. Green, Kemp's Ridley and Hawksbill sea turtles are endangered species.
恐龙在地球上出现之前绿海龟于就已在古生代出现;在最后一个冰河 时期绿海龟也幸存下来;但它们与我们在一起的日子可能不多了。
There were green turtles in our seas e ons before dinosaurs tramped the Earth; they survived the last ice age; but they may not be with us much longer.
Scientists believe that 17th?century Dutch seafarers were barely exaggerating when they wrote of being able to walk from one Indonesian island to another across the back of green turtles.
那天晚上的菜单上还有海龟汤,而当时海龟还没有陷入这么大的麻烦,科学家测试出那块肉最终被证明是绿海龟,也叫绿蠵龟(Chelonia mydas)。
Turtle soup had also been on the menu that night, before sea turtles were in such trouble, and the bit of flesh that the scientists tested turned out to be green sea turtle, Chelonia mydas.
那天晚上的菜单上还有海龟汤,而当时海龟还没有陷入这么大的麻烦,科学家测试出那块肉最终被证明是绿海龟,也叫绿蠵龟(Chelonia mydas)。
Turtle soup had also been on the menu that night, before sea turtles were in such trouble, and the bit of flesh that the scientists tested turned out to be green sea turtle, Chelonia mydas.