The usual means include running dynamic routing protocol or configuring static default route.
It's important to understand that creating the reply intercept mediation does not impact the default routing of the response from the service invoker to the default reply destination.
In addition, creating an outbound service automatically routes replies from the service invoker to the default reply destination.
Additionally, a destination can be configured with a default forward routing path, which will be put into a request message if it arrives at the destination without a forward routing path.
The script is useful in case you need to replace one IP address with another in all your system files — for instance, if your default router has changed.
Remember that we must modify the reverse routing path (the path taken by the reply or response) so that the reply goes to the reply intercept destination before going to the default reply destination.
在缺省情况下,DB 2自动客户端重新路由功能每10分钟重新尝试建立到数据库的连接。
By default, the DB2 Automatic Client Reroute feature retries to establish a connection to the database repeatedly for up to 10 minutes.
Leaving a server or router with the default passwords is practically an invitation for unscrupulous (or even just curious) people to start poking around.
The default messaging provider of WebSphere Application Server V6 enables destinations to have administered routing paths, providing a simple way to route messages when they are put to a destination.
Consider combining the MessageElementSetter and the EndpointLookup mediation primitives to enable metadata-driven routing along with an administratively configured default.
任何运行该公司路由软件IOS 10.2版或更新版本的设备都是允许多播的,虽然缺省状态下,此功能是关闭的。
Any device that runs the company's routing software, IOS Version 10.2 and later, is multicast-enabled, though the feature is not turned on by default.
任何运行该公司路由软件IOS 10.2版或更新版本的设备都是允许多播的,虽然缺省状态下,此功能是关闭的。
Any device that runs the company's routing software, IOS Version 10.2 and later, is multicast-enabled, though the feature is not turned on by default.