With it you can back up your disk to network locations, optical and removable media, and other hard drives.
公司在运行该服务时必须考虑所有细节 —服务利用率、网络费用、坏掉的硬盘驱动器等等。
The company that runs it has to worry about all the details—server utilization, network bills, dead hard drives, and so on.
You may normally boot from a hard drive, but you may sometimes need to boot from a floppy disk, a USB memory key, a CD or DVD, or a network.
In those situations, you can copy your music collection to a network-attached hard drive (or Apple Time Capsule) either attached to the S5 or somewhere on the network.
New units representing the image, disk drives, and network connection.
Let's create a sample build for our project that copies the files to a deployment directory on the hard drive somewhere (in real life, this might be a network drive or some other drive).
网络服务器存储空间(Net work Server Storage Space)是网络服务器环境中看起来像本地硬盘驱动器、来自IFS的流文件。
Network server Storage Spaces are stream files from the IFS that appear as local hard drives in the network server environment.
I need a web interface written for folders on a server's hard drive.
This feature was run from the network but will be installed on the local hard drive.
It currently supports 36 kinds of information including CPU, Memory, Network, and detailed HDD usages.
It currently supports 36 kinds of information including CPU, Memory, Network, and detailed HDD usages.