However a probe into his poetry translation theory and practice will reveal Pound's standard of fidelity.
Today's translators of classic Chinese verse can draw inspiration from his theory and practice.
Study direction is theory of linguistics of French literature, French, interpreter and practice and French history and culture.
Enrolled unripe plan 2010: Theory of French linguistics, interpreter and practice and French literature 3 direction in all recruit students 4 people.
Enrolled unripe plan 2010: Interpreter theory and practice, France is contemporary literature and French linguistics 3 direction in all recruit students 6 people.
Generally, translation theories are for application. Therefore, the unity of theory and practice must be called for in practice-based Translation Studies.
On the other hand, Xu Yuanzhong's translation practice proves his translation theories, namely, Xu Yuanzhong's translation theories and translation practice have a great unity.
In the thesis, the author combines theory and practice in the hope that it is helpful for the shifting of focus of translation teaching for English majors.
Thus it is extremely meaningful and urgent to study business translation theories on the basis of practice.
Many remarks , including criticism, have been given to Lu Xun's literal translation theory according to the standard of faithfulness and fluency.
The combination of theory and practice is embodied in three aspects: translation brief, source-text analysis, and translation problems.
This article from the translation theory to translation practice, the translation of the standard and steps of a few expounded the relationship between translation and teaching.
In Translator's Embarrassment, Mr. Ni Liangkang's points out an embarrassing situation that translator's practice deviates from their theory and criticizes the translation's "Creative Treason".
In the paper, English SciTech news is linked with functional equivalence theory which is a new attempt that combines translation theory with English SciTech news translation practice.
This thesis calls attention to the close interrelationship between Lin Yutang's translation theory and practice, and offers an interpretative review of his overall conception of translation.
The thesis makes detailed analyses of the whole translation process by employing the interpretive theory to handle practical problems, with two goals to achieve: 1. to reach sense equivalence;
In recent years, deconstructive translation theory has a great impact on the theories and practice of translation.
However, most of current translation theories focus on the relationship between culture and translation at the macro level, providing limited help to the practice of cultural translation.
In Chapter Three, the author of the thesis gives a survey of Xu Zhimo's translation activity and analyzes the interaction between his creation and his poetry translation.
In Chapter Three, the author of the thesis gives a survey of Xu Zhimo's translation activity and analyzes the interaction between his creation and his poetry translation.