Splenic arteries(36/53) and gastroduodenal artery(12/53) were typically used for anastomosis of the variant hepatic arteries and other complex techniques(5/53) were chosen.
Results 18 patients with coronary vein of stomach, short gastric veins, splenic artery intubation and embolization all succeeded.
The donor splenic artery, left gastric artery, right gastric artery and gastroduodenal artery were ligated, meanwhile the proper hepatic arteries were reserved.
Results Splenic artery and coronary vein ligation plus C type mesocaval shunt with artificial graft was performed in 14 cases.
The gastroduodenal artery that arises from the celiac trunk, constitutes the rich arterial blood supply of the pancreas, along with the splenic artery and the superior mesenteric artery.
The gastroduodenal artery that arises from the celiac trunk, constitutes the rich arterial blood supply of the pancreas, along with the splenic artery and the superior mesenteric artery.