• 能源蕴藏量极为巨大但大多数分布广泛、品位较低能源

    There are a great deal of new energy sources, which is distributing all of the world and low value of energy.


  • 这是大陆架上最有前途未开发能源宝地之一,估计这块面积蕴藏150原油76兆立方英尺天然气

    One of the morepromising energy frontiers of the Outer Continental Shelf, the acreage isestimated to contain 15 billion barrels of oil and 76 trillion cubic feet ofnatural gas.


  • 总的来说,全世界或许应该使用产生二氧化碳能源,而地热能蕴藏我们脚下数千米的地方而已。

    After all, the world could use more CO2-free forms of energy generation and this one's just a few kilometers beneath our feet.


  • 位于英国西北部一个地区,被发现可能蕴藏高达200万亿立方英尺页岩天然气将成为美国实现能源产业转型的主要页岩天然气产地之一。

    An area in northwest England may contain 200 trillion cubic feet of shale gas, putting it in the same league as some of the vast shale-gas plays that have transformed the U.S. energy industry.


  • 部落保留地位于全球蕴藏量最丰富天然气田之上必须克服障碍找到一种确认为合适替代能源

    The tribe, whose reservation sits atop one of the world’s richest fields of natural gas from coal-bed methane, had to surmount many hurdles to find an alternative energy idea it considered suitable.


  • 其中波浪海洋能源蕴藏最为丰富能源之一,是近期海洋能利用研究研究最多的海洋能源

    Wave energy is one of the most abundant energy recourses in ocean energy. It has been widely studied in the research of ocean energy utilization recently.


  • 金融危机能源工作带来严峻挑战同时蕴藏重大机遇

    Financial crisis has brought both severe challenges as well as important opportunities for the development of energy industry.


  • 该区为世界级大型煤田蕴藏地,建成我国21世纪能源重化工基地

    Besides, the area is also a big coal mine in the world, and will be constructed as Chinese energy and heavy chemical industry base in 21st century.


  • 美国同时巴西石油天然气大型蕴藏兴趣巴马最近能源价格上涨举行记者会时就谈到了这点

    Major oil and natural gas finds in Brazil are also of interest to the United States, something Mr. Obama mentioned in a recent news conference about rising energy prices.


  • 中国东北地区白垩世发育了广泛分布陆相断陷盆地石油煤田勘探证实这些盆地蕴藏着丰富的能源资源

    During Early Cretaceous continental rift basins were widely distributed in ne China. Petroleum and coal exploration has proven that these basins are rich in energy resource.


  • 节约能源人士担心地球蕴藏化石燃料正在快速耗竭中。

    Energy conservationists worry that the earth's reserve of fossil fuels is being depleted too rapidly.


  • 今年4月美国能源信息管理局份报告表示波兰可能拥有欧洲大陆最大而且是最容易开采的页岩蕴藏

    In April, a report by the U. S. Energy Information Administration said Poland could have the largest and most accessible shale gas reserves on the continent.


  • 介绍说:“这些地区蕴藏巨大石油天然气发展潜力并且再生能源方面,比如水电、风能和太阳能,潜力也非常可观。”

    "There is huge potential both for oil and gas and, when it comes to renewables, huge potential for hydropower, wind and solar," he said.


  • 镁合金蕴藏丰富物理性能优良具有卓越电化学特性使能源领域里具有十分巨大的潜力

    Magnesium alloy has great potential in the energy field because of its abundant reserves, high physical properties and excellent electrochemical behavior.


  • 太阳高温高压蕴藏巨大能量,不断地通过光线宇宙放射太阳能人类重要的无污染新型能源

    The sun was high temperature, high pressure, bears tremendous amounts of energy by light to the cosmic radiation; solar energy is an important human new non-polluting energy.


  • 纤维素地球蕴藏丰富再生性碳水化合物,它们被纤维素分解酵素水解成为葡萄糖,而提供作为生产能源

    Cellulose is the most abundant renewable carbohydrate on earth. Cellulases can hydrolyze cellulose into glucose thus it has the potential to be used for the production of biomass and biofuel.


  • 纤维素地球蕴藏丰富再生性碳水化合物,它们被纤维素分解酵素水解成为葡萄糖,而提供作为生产能源

    Cellulose is the most abundant renewable carbohydrate on earth. Cellulases can hydrolyze cellulose into glucose thus it has the potential to be used for the production of biomass and biofuel.


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