• 脂肪替代品明显改善冰淇淋感官品质。

    The fat substitute could meliorate the sensory properties of low fat ice cream.


  • 本文简要综述了脂肪替代品主要特性最新应用研究进展。

    This summary briefly reviews key characteristics, functions and applications of fat replacers that are commercially available and a few that are under development.


  • 蔗糖多酯作为脂肪替代品食品工业中扮演着日益重要的角色。

    As one type of fat substitutes, sucrose polyesters (SPE) are growing important in food industry.


  • 脂肪替代品肉制品中的应用减少脂肪含量弥补口味损失。

    The application of fat-replacers in the meat products can not only reduce the fat content but also offset the lose of flavor.


  • 乳清蛋白WPC-80为基质制备脂肪替代品替代冰淇淋中25%的脂肪

    Fat replacers were made from WPC-80. They were used to replace the fat in medium-fat-content ice cream up to 25%.


  • 作为一种新的脂肪替代品不久将来必定食品工业得到大规模推广应用

    Being as a new replacement of fat, it must be extended and applied in large scale in food industry in future.


  • 并用凝胶过滤色谱测定不同DE脂肪替代品分子量分布从而分子水平上探讨胶凝机理

    The molecular weight distributions of components of the fat substitutes with different DE value were measured by GPC, as exploring the mechanism of the gel formation at molecular level.


  • 酶法水解乳清蛋白WPC- 80为基质制备脂肪替代品替代冰淇淋中25%的脂肪

    Fat replacers were made from enzymatic hydrolysis whey protein WPC-80. They were used to replace the fat in medium-fat-content ice cream up to 25%.


  • 通过感官评定实验验证了此类脂肪替代品肉松应用可行性,确定最佳的脂肪替代品替代

    The study in the application of dried meat floss through gourmet evaluation has confirmed their substitution feasibility. The best fat analog and the substitution rate have also been determined.


  • 做饭人们选用脂肪替代品烹饪喷雾减少脂肪卡路里的摄入量,从而降低患心脏病胆固醇的风险

    When people cook, they use new fat substitutes and cooking sprays to cut fat and calories. This reduces the risk of heart disease and high cholesterol.


  • 研究了以籼米基质脂肪替代品加工过程中的水解工艺,采用响应分析法得到最佳解工艺条件对不同干燥工艺进行了比较。

    The enzymatic hydrolysis in the process of long rice based fat substitute was studied and the optimal conditions of the enzymatic hydrolysis was obtained by using Response Surface Analysis.


  • 综述了各种类型碳水化合物型脂肪替代品研究进展它们的组成、特点功能,介绍了碳水化合物型脂肪替代品食品中工业的应用

    The acid process and hydrolysis of a-amylase were used to prepare the fat substitute, and the prepared products were applied in cakes for studying the effect of fat substitute.


  • 分别0%、5%、10%、15%、20%脂肪替代品添加比例进行试验通过专业人员的感官评定确定匹配人体感官接受添加

    To perform experiments with different additive ratios of fat replacer, 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, to confirm the additive amount that is most acceptable to people by professional.


  • 人造黄油等黄油替代品所含脂肪黄油一样

    Butter substitutes like margarine contain just as much fat as butter.


  • 首先奶油替代品人造奶油会含有很多的脂肪

    First of all, butter substitutes like margarine contain just as much fat as butter.


  • 脂肪的食物,烘焙食物、做煎饼奶油汤时也作为替代品

    It is low in fat and used as a substitute for cream in baked goods, pancakes, and soups.


  • 虽然很多快餐店似乎一些尝试提供一些热量的替代品最终脂肪含量调料使得这些尝试失效。

    Although many seem to be making some attempt to offer low CAL alternatives, they end up ruining these offerings with sauces and dressings loaded with fat content.


  • 显而易见,绞细的火鸡肉一种很好的低替代品但是烹饪时肉质会变干,因为脂肪保持蛋白质水份主要成分

    Ground Turkey is an obvious lower-fat alternative, but it dries out when it is cooked since fat is the key ingredient to keep proteins moist.


  • 每种食物含有替代替代含有反式脂肪部分氢化困难因为找到和糖的替代品十分简单

    Sodium is in every food category, and it is more difficult to replace than the partly hydrogenated oil that composes trans fats, or than sugars, because there are easy substitutes for oils and sugars.


  • 素菜新的不饱和脂肪土豆我们垃圾食品最好的替代品

    Veggie chips and the new saturated-fat-free potato chips are great substitutes for the crap we used to eat.


  • 健康替代品:选择w - 6w - 3脂肪比例更好油类,如橄榄油芥花油。

    The healthy alternative: Olive or canola oils, which have a far better ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s.


  • 如果正如知道的,脂肪很接近健康替代品,并且不了多少钱,那么纽约市禁止反型脂肪尝试是行得通的。

    If as I believe trans fats have close and much more healthful substitutes that cost little more than trans fats, the attempt to ban trans fats in New York City restaurants made sense.


  • 脂肪如此有害,纽约市已经禁止餐馆使用了,世界其他城市可能也仿效。目前,人们正在寻找它的替代品

    With trans fats so out of favor, New York City recently banned them from restaurants, and other world cities may follow suit, the search for alternatives is on.


  • 健康委员会行动成本适中”,因为相同价格购买反式脂肪替代品

    The health board said the move would be "cost neutral" as alternatives could be bought at the same price.


  • 研究目的就是大宗动植物油为原料,模仿天然中的脂肪组成甘三酯结构,研制人乳脂替代品,其产品将作为婴儿奶粉脂肪配料

    The objective of this study is to produce human milk fat substitutes, which mimic tatty acid and triacylglycerol compositions found in human breast milk, as fat ingredients of infant formula.


  • 研究目的就是大宗动植物油为原料,模仿天然中的脂肪组成甘三酯结构,研制人乳脂替代品,其产品将作为婴儿奶粉脂肪配料

    The objective of this study is to produce human milk fat substitutes, which mimic tatty acid and triacylglycerol compositions found in human breast milk, as fat ingredients of infant formula.


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