• 离家上大学使变得独立自主得多

    Going away to college has made me much more independent.


  • 独立工作意味着能够自主

    Working for herself meant that she could be her own woman.


  • 高度重视自主

    She sets a high value on autonomy.


  • 封建制度下, 婚姻不能自主

    Under feudalism, young people could not marry the person of their own choice.


  • 似乎每个人提供了自主

    It seems to offer autonomy for everyone.


  • 可以促进自主学习

    It may facilitate independent learning.


  • 自主农业机械浪潮已经开始发挥作用

    The next wave of autonomous farm machinery is already at work.


  • 过分依赖教师会有丧失自主探究主动性风险

    Too much dependence on the teachers risks loss of autonomy and motivation to discover.


  • 相反过度指导”倾向教师削弱天才学生学习自主

    Conversely, teachers who have a tendency to "overdirect" can diminish their gifted pupils' learning autonomy.


  • 这些照片留给自己,看作是支持越来越自主的又一步

    I kept the pictures to myself and accepted this as one more step in supporting his increasing autonomy.


  • 尽管马可尼拥有自主,但感到自己被孤立,缺乏被接纳的感觉。

    Despite his autonomy, Marconi felt alienated and suffered from a lack of acceptance.


  • 大学时光应该学生自主得到重要成长以及逐渐变成熟时期

    The college years are supposed to be a time for important growth in autonomy and the development of adult identity.


  • 孩子们希望这个问题上有自主并且担心父母分享有关他们信息

    The children wanted autonomy about this issue and were worried about their parents sharing information about them.


  • 因为邀请消费者自主决定,所以隐含结论减少怨恨不信任反驳风险

    Because consumers are invited to make up their own minds, implicit conclusions reduce the risk of resentment, distrust, and counterargumentation.


  • 克斯已擅自主了这种葡萄酒

    Knox had taken it on himself to choose the wine.


  • 眼皮不由自主跳着。

    His left eyelid twitched involuntarily.


  • 父亲生前是个好静独立自主

    Her father was a quiet self-contained man.


  • 开始不由自主颤抖,而后哭了起来

    I started shaking uncontrollably and began to cry.


  • 这份宣言宣告这个共和国完全独立自主

    The declaration proclaimed the full sovereignty of the republic.


  • 丈夫到来惊得不由自主了起来。

    The shock of her husband's arrival brought her to her feet.


  • 不由自主地抖了一下

    She gave an involuntary shudder.


  • 反应不由自主的。

    My reaction was automatic.


  • 不由自主地哆嗦起来。

    She began shaking uncontrollably.


  • 不由自主地抽噎起来。

    He started to sob uncontrollably.


  • 不由自主了起来。

    She started to weep uncontrollably.


  • 珍惜独立自主

    He values his independence.


  • 我们独立个体必须学会自主处理问题

    He treated us as autonomous individuals who had to learn to make up our own minds about issues.


  • 率直评论使得理查德不由自主地笑了起来

    The blunt comment made Richard laugh in spite of himself.


  • 踝关节一阵疼痛使我不由自主地颤抖了一下

    Another surge of pain in my ankle caused me to give an involuntary shudder.


  • 单亲父母往往其他父母给予孩子更多自主

    Single parents tend to grant more independence to their children than other parents do.


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