You can use and develop custom server controls that support inline templates.
Some security guidelines to consider as a user of custom server controls are given below.
The following basic security guidelines are provided for users and developers of custom server controls.
您可以声明带有自定义服务器控件和用户控件的事件,其方式与声明带有任何A SP。
You can declare events with custom server controls and user controls in the same way you would with any ASP.
Associates aliases with namespaces and classes, which allow user controls and custom server controls to be rendered when included in a requested page or user control.
This approach requires that any page element with a context menu be a server control, a requirement that may or may not be acceptable.
In addition to using the built-in ASP. NET Web controls, you can also customize the templates of a TemplateField with custom, compiled server controls and User controls.
In addition to using the built-in ASP. NET Web controls, you can also customize the templates of a TemplateField with custom, compiled server controls and User controls.