His starting material, as he describes in a paper in Nature Nanotechnology, is made of closely packed polystyrene spheres about a millionth of a metre in diameter.
现在,在滑雪蜡、护肤霜、网球拍,甚至你的斜纹卡其布短裤上都能发现纳米技术的踪影。 所以,看到这项技术接下来应用在一部可折叠的iPad上自然也就不奇怪了。
You can already find nanotechnology in ski wax, skin cream, tennis rackets and even your khaki pants.
The new method is described in a paper appearing on April 25 in the journal Nature Nanotechnology.
Nature Nanotechnology not only highlighted the paper in a news release but also organized the press conference, drawing additional attention to the study.
With a firmer understanding of the likely relationship between nanotechnology and nature itself, we can gain a much clearer notion of potential dangers posed by this powerful technology.
The advance is described in a paper published on April 11 in Nature Nanotechnology.
The advance is described in a paper published on April 11 in Nature Nanotechnology.