In this article, a calculation method is put forward for free vibration frequency of a pipe which contains flow fluid.
The equation of free vibration frequency of this system has been derived by Averaging Method of W. Ritz and a numerical example is given.
Through free vibration frequencies analysis of 44 PSGs, the general rule of PSGs is achieved and influence factors for PSGs are determined.
In the structure dynamic performance, nature frequency is a very important parameter, the in-depth analysis on nature frequency is the research base of external prestressing concrete structure.
Therefore, the differential equations 'coefficient matrix of the free vibration of the spatial rigid body is automatically formed, and free vibration frequency and its type can also be found out.
The boundary conditions has strong influence on the coupling effect, the stronger it is, the smaller frequency of free vibration is but the larger amplitude is.
This paper calculate inherent frequency of the free vibration of the cylinder shell with the theory of the separated variable method on the basis of displacement model.
The model was subjected to pulsation, vibration, free vibration and hammering tests in order to investigate its flexibility, frequency and damping characteristics.
The in-plane free vibration frequencies and nonlinear internal resonance of circular arches were studied.
The frequency of the bottom of the ultrasonic cleaning basin is studied, during the bottom freely vibrating.
According to the elastic thin plate theory and vibration theory, a boundary element method (BEM) was used to analyze the frequency characteristics of a thin plate in lateral free vibration.
The finite element model of the free vibration for the rigid suspension catenary and pantograph is set up.
The results of this research show that the impact of the soft surface and the hard plane on the structural natural frequencies, vibration responses and the acoustic radiation cannot be ignored.
In this paper, the effect of shear deformation and rotatory inertia on the free vibration of a beam is studied. Thus a simple and accurate formula for the calculation of frequency is presented.
This paper probes the features of the effect on the external stores jam flutter characteristics due to the variation of parameters of vibration frequency, flutter freedom and generalized mass.
From these dynamic solutions, frequency and mode shapes of sectorial plate and sectorial annular plate under boundary conditions of GSS and GRS are derived.
The numerical results in the paper show that the modified element is used to analyse the free vibration, and the accuracy of the structural frequency is greatly raised at no increasing the freedom.
The rule of lateral vibration under axial load was studied in theory, the inherent frequency of drilling string was obtained.
A new approximate solution is given in this paper to estimate the fundamental frequency of vibration system with multiple freedom degree.
The general equations of the vibrations of the single cable system have been erected, and the linear theory is used to determine the frequencies and the modes of the cable system.
Compared with ordinary vibration test, it can achieve a higher frequency and can make the complex test which combines six degree-of-freedom vibration test and rapid temperature changing test.
Compared with ordinary vibration test, it can achieve a higher frequency and can make the complex test which combines six degree-of-freedom vibration test and rapid temperature changing test.