• 本文提出包含流动流体管道自由振动频率一个计算方法

    In this article, a calculation method is put forward for free vibration frequency of a pipe which contains flow fluid.


  • 里兹平均导出系统自由振动频率方程并举计算实例

    The equation of free vibration frequency of this system has been derived by Averaging Method of W. Ritz and a numerical example is given.


  • 通过44网架自由振动频率分析,得出了网架自由振动一般规律确定了网架自由振动频率影响因素

    Through free vibration frequencies analysis of 44 PSGs, the general rule of PSGs is achieved and influence factors for PSGs are determined.


  • 结构动力特性,自振频率反映结构自身特点重要参数深入分析体外预应力结构的自由振动频率研究体外其动力特性基础

    In the structure dynamic performance, nature frequency is a very important parameter, the in-depth analysis on nature frequency is the research base of external prestressing concrete structure.


  • 最后自动组成空间刚体自由振动微分方程系数计算刚体的自频率

    Therefore, the differential equations 'coefficient matrix of the free vibration of the spatial rigid body is automatically formed, and free vibration frequency and its type can also be found out.


  • 边界条件耦合效应较大的影响较强边界条件使椭圆板热弹耦合自由振动频率变低,振荡幅度增大

    The boundary conditions has strong influence on the coupling effect, the stronger it is, the smaller frequency of free vibration is but the larger amplitude is.


  • 位移模型为基础有限元中的分离变量理论求解圆柱自由振动固有频率,计算结果与壳体解析解相一致。

    This paper calculate inherent frequency of the free vibration of the cylinder shell with the theory of the separated variable method on the basis of displacement model.


  • 为了获得模型特性频率阻尼等进行了脉动试验自由振动锤击试验等。

    The model was subjected to pulsation, vibration, free vibration and hammering tests in order to investigate its flexibility, frequency and damping characteristics.


  • 圆弧面内自由振动频率非线性共振现象进行了研究。

    The in-plane free vibration frequencies and nonlinear internal resonance of circular arches were studied.


  • 分析矩形超声清洗槽底自由振动频率

    The frequency of the bottom of the ultrasonic cleaning basin is studied, during the bottom freely vibrating.


  • 根据弹性薄板理论振动理论,运用边界(BEM)分析了薄板弯曲自由振动频率特性

    According to the elastic thin plate theory and vibration theory, a boundary element method (BEM) was used to analyze the frequency characteristics of a thin plate in lateral free vibration.


  • 建立刚性悬挂接触网自由振动有限元模型,计算其固有频率振型。

    The finite element model of the free vibration for the rigid suspension catenary and pantograph is set up.


  • 研究结果表明自由刚性壁面对结构固有频率振动响应辐射影响不容忽视

    The results of this research show that the impact of the soft surface and the hard plane on the structural natural frequencies, vibration responses and the acoustic radiation cannot be ignored.


  • 本文研究剪切变形转动惯量自由振动影响提出简便准确频率计算公式

    In this paper, the effect of shear deformation and rotatory inertia on the free vibration of a beam is studied. Thus a simple and accurate formula for the calculation of frequency is presented.


  • 探讨由于振动频率自由广义质量等参数变化机翼—外挂干扰颤振特性影响一些特点。

    This paper probes the features of the effect on the external stores jam flutter characteristics due to the variation of parameters of vibration frequency, flutter freedom and generalized mass.


  • 动力学一般导出扇形扇形板在广义弹性简支和广义刚性滑动边界条件下自由振动频率方程和型;

    From these dynamic solutions, frequency and mode shapes of sectorial plate and sectorial annular plate under boundary conditions of GSS and GRS are derived.


  • 文中表明增加自由前提下采用修正单元进行自由振动分析,结构频率计算精度可以明显提高

    The numerical results in the paper show that the modified element is used to analyse the free vibration, and the accuracy of the structural frequency is greatly raised at no increasing the freedom.


  • 理论上分析轴向载荷存在情况下钻柱横向自由振动规律,获得柱横向振动固有频率

    The rule of lateral vibration under axial load was studied in theory, the inherent frequency of drilling string was obtained.


  • 本文提出自由振动系统固有频率近似解法

    A new approximate solution is given in this paper to estimate the fundamental frequency of vibration system with multiple freedom degree.


  • 给出悬索系统振动基本方程,线性方法确定系统自由振动频率模态方程。

    The general equations of the vibrations of the single cable system have been erected, and the linear theory is used to determine the frequencies and the modes of the cable system.


  • 相对一般振动试验达到频率范围较高,且可实现六自由振动快速综合

    Compared with ordinary vibration test, it can achieve a higher frequency and can make the complex test which combines six degree-of-freedom vibration test and rapid temperature changing test.


  • 相对一般振动试验达到频率范围较高,且可实现六自由振动快速综合

    Compared with ordinary vibration test, it can achieve a higher frequency and can make the complex test which combines six degree-of-freedom vibration test and rapid temperature changing test.


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