• 他们至今没有任何可靠证据

    As yet, they have no solid evidence.


  • 这个赛季至今射中21

    He has netted 21 goals so far this season.


  • 操行记录至今无任何污点。

    He has a spotless record so far.


  • 叛乱分子至今未能把总统赶下台

    The rebels have so far failed to dislodge the President.


  • 上届政府至今彻底名誉扫地

    The previous government is, by now, thoroughly discredited.


  • 警方至今未能追捕到攻击者。

    The police have so far failed to track down the attacker.


  • 他们结婚至今30

    They've been married now for 30 years.


  • 至今美国人们玩弄非常微妙的政治计谋。

    Until now, the Americans have been playing a very delicate political game.


  • 总统至今拒绝总理这个孤注一掷政令上会签

    The president has so far refused to countersign the prime minister's desperate decree.


  • 尽管最近发生多次炸弹恐慌至今为止还没有人员受伤

    Despite many recent bomb scares, no one has yet been hurt.


  • 至今,已有家100企业入驻。

    So far, there are more than 100 companies.


  • 这个问题至今激烈地辩论中。

    The issue remains hotly disputed.


  • 款机器至今没有确定价格

    No price point exists for the machine yet.


  • 至今侦探茫然无法解释死因

    Detectives are so far at a loss to explain the reason for his death.


  • 幼时至今一切发生了变化

    Things have changed since I was a lad.


  • 我们由古至今代代艺术家中的代。

    We were part of a long line of artists.


  • 一个腿骨骨折,至今打着石膏。

    She broke her leg a month ago and it's still in plaster.


  • 知道研究黑猩猩至今已有30了。

    I know that you've been studying chimpanzees for thirty years now.


  • 玛格丽塔酒至今饮用过的最好酒了。

    The margarita was the best I have ever had.


  • 这种字体优美至今深受设计人员喜欢

    Such is the elegance of this typeface that it is still a favourite of designers.


  • 至今清楚是这起谋杀案的幕后策划者

    It is still not clear who was behind the killing.


  • 周前离家外出,我们至今没有他的音信

    He left home two weeks ago and we haven't heard from him since.


  • 至今惊魂未定。

    He's still in a state of shock.


  • 相对而言这个地区至今没有受到商业开发的影响。

    The area has remained relatively untouched by commercial development.


  • 孩子至今受洗礼,父母伤心事

    It's a sore point with Sue's parents that the children have not been baptized yet.


  • 虽然最后尝试以失败告终反响至今依然存在。

    In the end, the attempt failed, but the reverberations still can be felt today.


  • 理查德·纳尔逊上校地方教育董事会任职为止。

    Colonel Richard Nelson served on the school board until this year.


  • 理查德·纳尔逊上校地方教育董事会任职为止。

    Colonel Richard Nelson served on the school board until this year.


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