The spill spring irrigation is introduced briefly, which is a type of water saving irrigation technique.
This paper introduces thoroughly the characters of the small tube flow irrigation.
Trickling irrigation is one of the most advanced water saving irrigation technologies in the World.
The seep irrigation underground is a kind of water-saving irrigation technique.
Water saving irrigation technology has been spread and good economic and social benefits have been received.
Micro-irrigation is the most efficient water-saving irrigation technology, which has broad application prospect.
Currently, it is the largest concentrated continuous base in the country that is equipped with the cutting-edge Israeli water-saving irrigation technologies.
The choice of water saving irrigation technique in the instal lation agriculture must be on the basis of the moisture of regulation and control.
The research of saving water has already been proceeded to release the supply and demand contradiction of water resource all over the world.
Drip irrigation is a new technique with the character of water saving, and it is applied mainly in economic crops and economic forest with higher economic values.
Infiltration irrigation is a new water-saving irrigation technology, and zip fasteners pipes have traits of great capacity and are not easily jammed.
Therefore, it is an effective way to find a practical water-saving irrigation techniques which was used to increase water use efficiency to solve these problems.
The study of water-saving irrigation theories are embedded, and water-saving irrigation techniques are sophisticated increasingly. but a series of problems are exit for generalizing widely.
In the regions short of water, the adjustment of planting structure is also an important measure to save water in agriculture besides water-saving irrigation techniques and cultivation techniques.
Negatively pressurized irrigation (NPI) method, a newly irrigation technology, in which the elevation of the emitters is higher than that of the water source, runs under negative hydraulic head.
The walk water-saving irrigation technology effectively resolves several problems, including sowing in good time and keeping seedling in seedling stage, in Northern drought area in China.
Irrigation on film hole is a water saving method in both agronomic and irrigating aspects, but it is still imperfect in the technical factors.
Because of the same reason, the precision irrigation technology based on plant water requirement as the development trend of water-saving irrigating technology is limited.
The thesis "Research and application of water-saving irrigation technology on Weifang area high-quality flue-cured tobacco" is guided by Professor Shi-chunhai and Lianghongbo.
Subunit network composed by manifolds and laterals which are all multidiameter pipes is the important part of micro irrigation system.
The separate furrow irrigation is a new way of economizing irrigation, which has been investigated and popularized, but there is no report in southern Ningxia hill region.
And as any water saved by irrigators passes down to more junior rights holders, there is little incentive there to adopt technologies which boost water efficiency.
For demand managements, the best policy is the mix water price policy through increasing both irrigation and industry water prices, and the next is adopting agricultural water-saving technology.
Application of RP technology in water saving irrigation field makes rapid development of new water saving irrigation products become true.
This study provides basis for extension of drip irrigation water saving technology and establishment of a reasonable drip irrigation scheme.
The practices of efficient use of water were studied and popularized at the same period.
As I mentioned, planting crops that require less water and using more efficient irrigation techniques are probably the best way to do that.
The producers shall adopt advanced technique of planting, breeding and irrigating on water saving, energy saving and fertilizer saving; and give priority to the development of ecological agriculture.
The producers shall adopt advanced technique of planting, breeding and irrigating on water saving, energy saving and fertilizer saving; and give priority to the development of ecological agriculture.