Starbucks coffee, various in production has almost stringent requirements.
Starbucks has many different brews of coffee, and they follow the stringent brewing requirements.
But this method can be widely applied because it has no rigorous restriction to the quality of fringe signal.
To get the spectrum allocated to commercial mobile services within six years may be a tall order.
As increasing voltage grade of power electrical equipment, it is much more rigorous for the reliability of these equipment.
However, the practical construction is high-demanding in building pattern, landscape, traffic, design and technique due to the hill area.
The ball trunnions are designed for demanding applications requiring long service life, with a reduction in maintenance time and costs.
Heavy Duty trunnion - The ball trunnions are designed for demanding applications requiring long service life, with a reduction in maintenance time and costs.
The real time processing of high speed data flow makes strict demands on the performance of descendant digital down converter in the wideband digital receiver.
Modern receiver is in pursuit of big dynamic range, good linearity, and high sensitive and so on. That extremely promotes the development of the receiver.
Therefore, in 2000 prior to the contract award, a realistic but demanding requirement for the aircraft to operate in hot conditions, and within a range of realistic operational scenarios, was set.
Many lead a lifestyle dominated by deadline pressures, erratic hours, and competing demands from multiple projects-and that's when things are going well.
在合作中,AB BSCIEX的科学家们花时间来了解我们苛刻的要求,使我们更好地应用质谱技术来完成我们的目标。
Our collaboration with ab SCIEX, whose scientists have taken the time to understand our stringent requirements, gives us access to mass spectrometry technology that helps us to fulfill our purpose.
So, the requirements for leakage rate is very strict to the heat sink, especially the severe requirement for leakage detection during its fabricating process.
There is a reverse relationship of creditor and debtor between China and the US: The biggest debtor lists a series of strict requirements for its biggest creditor and threatens it with penalties.
一般的开发人员工作站(运行Windows或Linux)都应该能够运行WSDK,因为 WSDK对系统没有很苛刻的要求。
The typical developer workstation, running either Windows or Linux, should be able to run WSDK, as WSDK makes only modest demands on the system.
We should seek an individual who is ruthless about protecting us against others, but acts with charity toward all and malice toward none at home: a tall order.
In theory, they must prove that the EPA's foot-dragging has caused them some specific harm that regulation might remedy-a tall order in a field as fraught with uncertainty as climatology.
Their one leadership tool is volume: if they think you aren't working as hard as they think you should, their demands become increasingly louder and harsher.
He had the reputation of being one of the most tight-fisted and demanding of employers.
Demanding too much of air travelers or providing too little security in return undermines public support for the process.
But demanding too much of air travelers or providing too little security in return undermines public support for the process.
But demanding too much of air travelers or providing too little security in return undermines public support for the process.