Special thanks to Ricardo Balduino for help in translating this article from the original Portuguese, and to both Ricardo and Scott Ambler for their careful technical review.
最新的版本是0.6 -beta3,它可以在操作过程中修改语言,已经翻译成了两种语言:葡萄牙语和俄语。
The latest version is 0.6-beta3, and it can change language during operation and two more translations, Portuguese and Russian.
This online translator can find words in Dutch, Afrikaans, Russian, Portugese, Swedish, Japanese, Hungarian and more.
For example, English to Portuguese is signified by the string abbreviation enep.
This interface has been translated into German and will soon be translated into Portuguese.
The website, currently in Arabic with a welcoming page in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Malay, Turkish, and Portuguese, is being translated into those languages by volunteers.
I speak in English and my words are translated into perfect French and Portuguese. After 15 minutes I beg off. I have a plane to catch.
They could hear speakers translated into French, English, Portuguese and Spanish.
In case you agree, do have a database products that could be downloaded and to be up loaded and do the description translations into Portuguese?
We translate homepage into English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese using private automatic translation service.
The Shiga Prefecture official website can be translated into English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish and Tagalog using an external automatic translation service.
即使是“sonof a **”这句话,我敢说这种表达按照同样的方式翻译成西班牙语或是葡萄牙语(“hijodeputa/filho de puta”),也并不能让我想到**指的是母亲或是妇女。
Even in "son of a **, "I would venture say that the expression doesn't make me think of mother or woman in the same way that it's translated in Spanish and Portuguese ("hijo de puta/ filho de puta").
I translate a zamami village official homepage into English, Chinese, Korean, European three languages (French, Spanish, German) using private automatic translation service.
I translate a zamami village official homepage into English, Chinese, Korean, European three languages (French, Spanish, German) using private automatic translation service.