• 此外这些来源于畸形血管内皮细胞作为研究蛛网膜下腔出血引发血管收缩实验模型

    Furthermore, ECs obtained from these vascular malformations can be used as an experimental model to study SAH-induced vasoconstriction.


  • 收缩血管

    A drug that constricts the blood vessels.


  • 严重偏头痛可以一种收缩血管药物治疗

    Severe migraines can be treated with a drug that constricts the blood vessels.


  • 辣椒鸡汤里面可以提高传统感冒药的疗效,因为辣椒可收缩鼻腔喉咙血管来缓解充血

    Sprinkle some onto your chicken soup to turbocharge that traditional cold remedy, since cayenne shrinks blood vessels in your nose and throat, relieving congestion.


  • 过去研究人员认为,患者的“预感大脑中的血管收缩所造成

    Researchers used to think that the aura was caused by blood vessels in the brain narrowing.


  • 一氧化氮含量血液将会其他组织中的气体一扫而空从而导致这些组织中的血管收缩

    Blood that is poor in nitric oxide will scavenge the gas from other tissues, causing the vessels in those tissues to constrict.


  • 人们变得紧张有压力时他们外周收缩,进而使皮肤冷却

    When people become tense or stressed, their peripheral blood vessels contract, cooling the skin, she said.


  • 如同生日派对上气球健康血管柔韧整天都会根据需要扩张收缩

    Like birthday party balloons, healthy blood vessels are flexible, widening and narrowing as needed throughout the day.


  • 银杏有助于控制胆固醇血小板转换舒缓收缩血管。血小板与动脉硬化有关

    Ginkgo may also help control the transformation of cholesterol to plaque associated with the hardening of arteries, and can relax constricted blood vessels.


  • 大约有三分之一sah患者血管突然收缩减缓含有氧气血液流向大脑的速度,造成一种称为延迟缺血病情

    In roughly one-third of SAH victims, the blood vessels suddenly constrict, slowing the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the brain and causing a condition known as delayed ischemia.


  • 随着年龄增长,皮肤保护性反应——表层血管收缩减慢低温的反应可以增加代谢,可老年人的代谢率不断减弱,哪一代谢机体的下降却不明

    The skin's protective reaction of constricting surface blood vessels is slower with age, and the cold-induced rise in metabolic rate is also weakened in older people, but the mechanism is unknown.


  • 一类是认为饮料冷冻鼻窦内的空气导致前额附近鼻腔血管收缩产生了类似偏头痛的感觉。

    The drink may chill the air in your sinuses and cause the blood vessels in the nasal cavity near your forehead to constrict, creating pain similar to a migraine.


  • 尼古丁会导致血管收缩血管收缩限制富氧血液流向面部身体其他部位细微血管

    Nicotine causes vasoconstriction, a narrowing of the blood vessels that can limit oxygen-rich blood flow to the tiny vessels in the face or other parts of the body.


  • 症状自述做了检查之后,建议他多吃流食、多休息,同时服用止咳管收缩药。

    After hearing about his symptoms and examining him, I suggested fluids, rest and maybe a cough suppressant and nasal decongestant.


  • 天气,人们手部脚部血管收缩使手指和脚趾冰冷发白

    The blood vessels in our hands and feet tighten up when it s chilly which makes our fingers and toes cold and white.


  • 天气时,人们手部脚部血管收缩使手指脚趾冰冷发白

    The blood vessels in our hands and feet tighten up when it's chilly - which makes our fingers and toes cold and white.


  • 肾上腺种肾上腺素的药剂,c9h 13 no2,它很强的血管收缩剂,可用于麻醉过程中减轻充血扩大瞳孔稳定血压

    An adrenergic drug, C9H13NO2, that is a powerful vasoconstrictor and is used to relieve nasal congestion, dilate the pupils, and maintain blood pressure during anesthesia.


  • 与此同时鼻子喉咙——这里细菌病毒常常潜伏地方——的血管收缩

    At the same time, blood vessels constrict in the nose and throat, where bacteria and viruses often lurk.


  • 血液咖啡因水平增加阻碍腺苷作用导致血管收缩,最终则可能导致心脏病发作。埃尔-索海米说,在这项研究中,大约有55%的人携带有减缓咖啡因代谢的基因。

    Increased levels of circulating caffeine may block adenosine's action, causing blood vessels to constrict, subsequently triggering a heart attack, says El-Sohemy.


  • 血液流过皮肤调节体温-血管根据外部条件变化扩张收缩

    Body temperature is regulated by blood flow through the skin - vessels dilating and constricting with changing external conditions.


  • 滴剂吸入剂含有收缩血管帮助鼻窦畅通的药物成分。细菌感染时使用抗生素

    Nose drops or inhalations containing drugs that contract Blood vessels help drain the sinuses. Antibiotics may be used for Bacterial infections.


  • 方法应用血管平滑肌等张收缩方法。

    Methods Isotonic contraction of vessel smooth muscle was recorded.


  • 高血压患者内动脉血管常人或者天气突然变冷使血管收缩增高血压从而容易导致血管破裂阻塞

    Arterial hypertension in the brain than ordinary thin or thick wall, but a sudden cold weather make the blood vessels, increase blood pressure, which tends to lead to vascular rupture, blocking.


  • 本病基础正常血管反应局部缺陷而导致的指(趾)动脉皮肤动脉异常血管收缩

    Abnormal vasoconstriction of digital arteries and cutaneous arterioles due to a local defect in normal vascular responses is thought to underlie the disorder.


  • 为了保存肌肉需要血液皮肤血管收缩肌肉血管舒张

    To conserve blood that will be needed by muscles, skin vessels constrict while vessels of the muscles dilate.


  • 这样收缩舒张可以改善血管功能促进血液再分布

    This can improve systolic and diastolic function of blood vessels, and promote the re-distribution of blood.


  • 但是慢性低氧肺动脉高压大鼠5-HT诱导血管收缩反应通过5 - HT _ (2 A)和5 - HT _ (1 B)受体介导的。

    However, in hypoxic pulmonary hypertension rats, 5 - HT - induced vasoconstriction is mediated by both the 5 - HT1Band 5 - HT2A receptor.


  • 但是慢性低氧肺动脉高压大鼠5-HT诱导血管收缩反应通过5 - HT _ (2 A)和5 - HT _ (1 B)受体介导的。

    However, in hypoxic pulmonary hypertension rats, 5 - HT - induced vasoconstriction is mediated by both the 5 - HT1Band 5 - HT2A receptor.


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