While the Code of Administrative Procedure has been in effect for a while, Administrative Courts have not been established yet.
They arrested him and dragged him away to a local clerical court, on the grounds that his sprouting hairdo was a dangerous Western import.
The State Council exercises the function and power to appoint and remove administrative personnel according to the provisions of the law.
Yulia Tymoshenko, the losing candidate in a vote internationally recognised as fair, presented Ukraine's administrative court with evidence of what she said was widespread electoral fraud.
Counsel for ALEC promptly filed a petition with the Supreme Administrative Court of Aspatria, consistent with Aspatrian law, asking that the order be cancelled.
本周,在地处Cassel的行政法庭,保时捷起诉德意志证券交易公司要求公司季报作为进入股票指数的条件的条款,但是败诉了。 但是保时捷肯定会上诉。
This week Porsche challenged Deutsche Börse in the administrative court in Cassel for requiring quarterly reporting as a condition of entry and lost, but will almost certainly appeal.
本周,在地处Cassel的行政法庭,保时捷起诉德意志证券交易公司要求公司季报作为进入股票指数的条件的条款,但是败诉了。 但是保时捷肯定会上诉。
This week Porsche challenged Deutsche Börse in the administrative court in Cassel for requiring quarterly reporting as a condition of entry and lost, but will almost certainly appeal.