• 罗宾逊说:“一种错觉。”

    "It's an illusory sense of being trapped," said Robinson.


  • 我们认为就是这种动物地方,在这里它们逐渐演化如今品种

    We think that's where this animal was trapped and evolved into the species that it is now.


  • 通过目睹那些上岁数的女人以及她们如何被困住的知道自己离开

    Through watching the older women and how they are stuck, she knows that she wants to leave.


  • 生锈罐子不应该被困住的鲈鱼的玉米午餐,理解这一点需要多高的天赋

    It doesn't take a genius to understand that a rusted can of DW-40 shouldn't be dinner niblets for a stripped bass.


  • 蜘蛛网说明了被困住的状态或是引诱别人进入一种状态或关系愿望

    This can symbolise a feeling of being trapped - or the desire to entice someone into a particular relationship or situation.


  • 分钟之后车厢出现一个巨大的窟窿尼克带领他们找到了被困住的人员。

    In a few minutes there was a large hole into the train. Nick helped them.


  • 麻绳绑在树枝2的人不到被困3感谢另外三个兄弟他们父亲母亲哥哥支持

    Tie twine to three tree twigs. 2, the cat catchers can't catch caught cats. 3, Thank the other three brothers of their father's mother's brother's side.


  • 2010年9月20日时候,据称被困湖泊有望35的时间内(就是到了10月25日)将洪水排出。

    But on September 20, 2010 this lake at the end of the supposedly trapped waters was expected to be drained of floodwaters in 35 days, by October 25.


  • 台仅有一米机器人汇报环境的气体情况并且运送营救物资。 它的诞生确保了那些住的矿工大的生还机会

    The one-meter-long bot can also report the presence of gas and can even haul supplies—to help ensure that trapped miners have a better chance to see daylight again.


  • 可怜丹麦灰鸟,”金丝雀,“了。”

    "Poor little Danish grey-bird," said the Canary; "you have been caught too."


  • 如果司机了(失败了),或者如果领航员一个主意通过键盘输入不能描述,那么当前的司机可以放弃控制权一会儿领航员。

    If the driver gets stuck or frustrated, or if the navigator has a good idea he can't describe too well without typing, the current driver can give up control and be the navigator for a while.


  • 线路某个地方,在化身其他东西里,如果要,你不仅渴望成为演员,成为一个出色演员,你想现在被困住了。

    Somewhere along the line in one damn incarnation or another, if you like, you not only had a hankering to be an actor or an actress, but to be a good one. You're stuck with it now.


  • 夜里一场暴风雪覆盖了整个大地阻断通往山里的路。唐纳组织了。

    Overnight, an early winter storm blanketed the ground with snow, blocking the mountain pass and trapping the Donner Party.


  • 他们困住了,他们身心受创,他们十分恐惧……这种状况人道化,我们目前也缺少使这些结束行动,使得当地人惑混乱。

    They're trapped, they're traumatised, they're terrorised by this situationThe inhumanity of this situation, the lack of action to bring this to an end, is bewildering to them.


  • 开着货车男子看到老太太被困住路边尽管那天天色昏暗看得出需要帮助

    One day a man in a truck saw an old lady, stranded on the side of the road, but even in the dim light of day, he could see she needed help.


  • 他因天气原因了,天来剑河地区所有雪天了。显然利用这个时机(也利用了我们付给他的向导)城里尽情痛饮

    He had been stranded by the weather, which closed all roads around Jianhe for three days, and evidently had taken this chance (and his fee) to go on a festive bender around town.


  • 困住动机好的(成为钱财管家),但是结果不是想要的。

    I was caught in a game of grocery limbo: "How low can you go?" and while my motives were good (be a good steward of our money), the results were not what I desired.


  • 如今一些女性发现她们处于同样境中坚持从事她们已经觉得不合适的职业,感到被困住厌倦疲惫……以及衰老

    Some women today find themselves in the same grind, sticking to careers they've outgrown, feeling trapped, bored, tired . . . and old.


  • 35岁吉姆·加特博格商业不动产代理中介办公室世贸大厦86一直在给妻子吉尔打电话告诉自己很只是被困住

    Jim Gartenberg, 35, a commercial real estate broker with an office on the 86th floor of 1 World Trade Center, kept calling his wife Jill to let her know he was O.K. but trapped.


  • 迁移Rational测试项目非常棘手并且如果了,成为执行起来任务之一。

    Moving Rational Test Projects could be very tricky and can become one of the most difficult tasks to perform if you get stuck.


  • 我们感觉我们这个家庭了,Raghuveer儿子6岁女儿9岁,他们告知呆在室内。

    They watched the siege as a family. Raghuveer's son, 6, and daughter, 9, were told to stay inside, where they tended to gravitate toward the images constantly flickering on the screen.


  • 每次电脑某人经过这个通道路径时,都会

    Every time the computer sends somebody on a path through that pass, it gets whacked.


  • 现在随着水位上涨最高大面积农田,现在水中房屋商店淹没。居民困住

    Now, with water level rising to seven meters at its highest, large areas of farmland are now under water. Houses and shops have been submerged. And people stranded.


  • 他们现在真的是被困住了,那扇出去的惟一通道,然而似乎妖精正在门外靠近

    They were truly trapped now: There was no way out except through the door, and a horde of goblins seemed to be approaching on the other side.


  • 小说也描绘社区中的其他女人,埃斯佩朗莎希望自己永远不会她们一样。通过观察妇女她们如何困住知道离开

    There is a lot of focus on other women in the community and Esperanza hopes never to be like them. Through watching the older women and how they are stuck, she knows that she wants to leave.


  • 美国新的世纪里又困住了。

    America is stuck in another century.


  • 合法的保护·-一个子公司责任债权人要求那个子公司中被困住并且不能逝世母公司

    Legal protection - the liabilities and creditor claims of a subsidiary are "trapped" in that subsidiary and can't be passed on to the parent company.


  • 合法的保护·-一个子公司责任债权人要求那个子公司中被困住并且不能逝世母公司

    Legal protection - the liabilities and creditor claims of a subsidiary are "trapped" in that subsidiary and can't be passed on to the parent company.


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