• 他们全身都成了漂亮的棕褐色

    They got great all-over tans.


  • 条棕褐色看起来比特

    The tan-coloured dog looks suspiciously like a pit bull terrier.


  • 拥有一双深邃褐色眼睛

    He had deep-set brown eyes.


  • 的眼睛两汪深不见底褐色水潭

    His eyes were like bottomless brown pools.


  • 沙燕一种腹部为白色褐色

    The sand martin is a brown bird with white underneath.


  • 着浓密褐色的头发浓粗杂乱的眉毛

    He had thick brown hair and shaggy brows.


  • 褐色眼睛周围有一特别长的睫毛

    Her eyes were large and brown and fringed with incredibly long lashes.


  • 牙齿褐色面孔映衬下显得洁白明亮。

    Her teeth gleamed white against the tanned skin of her face.


  • 草地一片片地变成褐色

    The grass was browning in patches.


  • 长着细长的鹰钩一双深陷的褐色眼睛

    He had a thin aquiline nose and deep-set brown eyes.


  • 感觉到褐色的头发轻轻拂过后。

    I felt her dark brown hair brushing the back of my shoulder.


  • 尸体周围流动,稠且呈褐色,令人恶心。

    The water moved around the body, unpleasantly thick and brown.


  • 条河下雨变成褐色,水位上涨,水流快速地流动

    The river, brown and swollen with rain, was running fast.


  • 那种植物叶子常会变成褐色有时会把最有问题的

    The plant's leaves can often turn brown, and I sometimes cut off the worst offenders.


  • 弗兰克一个文静年轻人,长一双令人着魔的褐色眼睛

    Frank was a quiet young man with bewitching brown eyes.


  • 安德烈娅有着褐色的头发灰色的眼睛非常苍白皮肤

    Andrea has medium brown hair, grey eyes, and very pale skin.


  • 看到褐色的肥沃田地,那里犁正犁出宽大的犁沟。

    I saw a dark brown fertile field in which a plough was cutting large furrows.


  • 长时间浸泡而成褐色叶子浮上了水面,又消失在了水的深处

    Leaves, brown with long immersion, rose to the surface and vanished back into the depths.


  • 化妆伪造褐色皮肤让皮肤暴露于强烈太阳光线安全。

    It's safer to fake a tan with make-up rather than subject your complexion to the harsh rays of the sun.


  • 那个褐色圆圈就是甜甜圈。

    The golden brown ring is a doughnut.


  • 秋天树叶绿色变为褐色

    In autumn the leaves change from green to brown.


  • 秋天落叶开始变成褐色

    Autumn leaves begin to turn brown.


  • 有些裙子红色的,其它的都是褐色

    Some dresses are red. Others are brown.


  • 它们褐色棕色西装搭配最好看

    They look best with tan or light brown suits.


  • 秋天树叶变成褐色

    In autumn, the leaves are turning brown.


  • 粗糙草地更近些的地方,长满了闪闪发光的褐色

    Nearer the rough grass, with its long, brownish stalks all agleam, was full of light.


  • 大多数AGE褐色荧光的,特殊的光谱性质

    Most AGE's are yellowish brown and fluorescent and have specific spectrographic properties.


  • 如果自己所有颜色里,你就会变成一种恶心褐色

    If you dipped yourself in all of colors, you'd end up a disgusting brown.


  • 如果喜欢香蕉一点新鲜柠檬可以防止香蕉褐色

    If you like, a squeeze of fresh lemon juice on the bananas will prevent them turning brown.


  • 黄钾铁矾一种褐色矿物晶体结构存在地球上

    Jarosite is a yellowish-brown mineral with a crystalline structure that's also found on earth.


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