He said many video resumes come across as auditions for "American Idol."
Some advocates believe video resumes may make sense in certain fields like broadcasting, marketing and theater - the ones where job seekers are already asked to send in portfolios of past work.
You can also create a video resume and upload it to YouTube, but make sure it isn't cheesy or too rehearsed. If blogging isn't for you, perhaps start an online radio program.
So, get them to do it: refer to specific highlights in your resume or your reference letters, read your blog, watch your video clip online, etc.
Include a video link so that a hiring manager can literally see who you are and how you represent yourself.
Depending on which one you choose, you can view his video versions of the "about me," portfolio, skills, time line, and contact details usually found on paper resumes.
We would inform network (QQ/MSN) interview schedule date to Candidates whose Passed the resume review.
We would inform network (QQ/MSN) interview schedule date to Candidates whose Passed the resume review.