The relationship between a type of angular velocity trans's input and output is linear, from the output voltage we can know target angular velocity.
To improve the survey precision, we revise the null position and sensitivity errors through the linear operation, and more accurate target angular velocity results could be got.
The compensation technology for the piezoelectric fluidic angular sensors is discussed, including the principle and program of temperature compensation and linearity compensation.
The system combined with GPS receiver and passive imagining sensor can supply complete position, velocity, angular velocity and altitude information.
Based on the random error formulas of function, the error transfer formulas of acceleration at the vehicle mass center and axial angular rate were provided which were helpful.
介绍了三线阵c CD传感器的成像原理,分析了由于地球自转角速度的存在而产生三线阵c CD传感器像移的机理。
A brief introduction of the theory of three-lines CCD camera is proposed and the mechanism of image motion loss of three-lines CCD camera on account of earth rotation is presented.
It is a good reference for the design of the velocity-sensitive system and the selection of the Angle sensor.
It is a good reference for the design of the velocity-sensitive system and the selection of the Angle sensor.