In previous versions, you had to create separate triggers for each trigger event.
通过使用新的DataBladeAPI 例程,可以编写通用的用户定义例程来审计表和触发器事件。
Using the new DataBlade API routines, you can write a general purpose user-defined routine that can you can use to audit any table and any trigger event.
In addition, triggers can now contain UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT operations together in a single clause as the trigger event. For example.
As soon as the agent releases the input handle on its command queue, the queue manager detects that the command queue has a depth greater than zero, fires a new trigger event, and the agent restarts.
Do not use control flow to model events and triggers in a process model.
You can identify and mitigate the highest impact risks by establishing a custom trigger to let you know when a risk event, such as failure to meet a compliance requirement, has occurred.
Now you can handle data version management and effective tracking of business events using this technique instead of application-level triggers and stored procedures.
The event store table gets populated when one of the database triggers runs.
The change causes a trigger or another automated mechanism, to update the event store with information about the change.
The trigger conditions generate the situation events that initiate the alerts.
Often a system area is too vast or intricate to express the dynamics of events and triggers.
They address modeling of data flow, representation of events and triggers, correct termination of a process, and reuse of activities in hierarchical process models.
So the three alternative events that the user tried to capture with the three start nodes always occur together and are by no means alternative triggers for the subsequent task.
KPI model: the KPI model defines KPI contexts, which group KPIs with their associated triggers and events.
Events, such as methods or constructor calls, classes or object initialization, and exceptions, are all valid AOP triggers.
An event table stores the asynchronous events generated by the database triggers in a staging table.
For another example, when a trigger is engaged due to disk pullout, this event results in an alert indication that the disk has been pulled out.
Events: Triggers that are set off by user or system initiated actions.
The ability to set extended properties and event trigger information in trigger properties.
For an SVG object to respond to a scripted event, the prefix on is added to the trigger names, so click becomes onclick, mouseover becomes onmouseover, and so forth.
To add a Message event trigger we click on the small blue envelope.
As shown in Listing 3, DOMActivate is the event, message element is the handler, and parent trigger is the observer.
检验用户和权限触发器的操作都是以X forms事件为依据的。
An action which verifies the user and privileges triggers is based on an XForms event.
Polling activities, which control the execution of one or more data management activities based on some sort of trigger or event such as an update to data in an external RDBMS.
The events module in jQuery is really the first step in building interaction to a Web application, since events are commonly the trigger for things to happen on the page.
Action-generating events - Drupal V6 can tie an action to an event via a trigger.
I won't go over many of the finer points of the monitor programming model like triggers, timers, and nested monitoring contexts, but will focus simply on the basics of event processing.
An indication may have zero or more event triggers, which are recognitions of changes in state.
A database trigger is program residing in the database that runs when an event, such as an update, occurs on a table in the database.