The steps for creating new pages and adding portlets for a KIOSK portal application are the same as those for normal computer browsers.
In the new world of web apps, my email and all my data are stored online on the web. I can get to it on a web browser from any computer that's connected to the Internet.
Perhaps your IT department frowns upon you installing old browser versions on your computer or tweaking the registry keys.
It is easy to imagine how little computer use would be seen in America if the user had to learn Urdu to use an Internet browser.
They can access the services through any web browser, regardless of what kind of computer (or telephone) they use.
Most of the time, when a computer user hears the word "cache," he thinks of a browser's cache.
In addition, the World Bank also records your IP address, which is the Internet address of your computer, and information such as your browser type and operating system.
In the same way, browser security helps protect you from malware, phishing, and other online attacks, while privacy features help keep your browsing private on your computer.
Any browser, any computer, any connection, you see pretty much the same thing.
There are a limited number of computers being used for accessing your application, so you can be assured that they all using the right browser and plugin combination.
AIR apps can offer a compelling user experience outside the browser but across computing platforms.
When you click on this menu item, it launches the Infocenter help in whatever external browser you have configured on your computer.
But once you have any one of those URLs, your browser is bound to the computer and the application server that the URL represents.
You will create a Web application for this so any computer that can run a Web browser can serve as a data entry station for patients.
The client component, shown in Figure 2, represents a computer with a Web browser used to access the application.
XForms does not specify the computer language to be used to render a form, what Web browser to use, or what operating system the forms should run on.
If you are using a computer that has a virus infecting Internet Explorer, this software will allow you to still access the Internet to search for and download needed remedies.
Many systems are sold with the Acrobat software pre-loaded, and most browsers are configured to load it, so it's likely that your computer already knows how to display the document.
Discover some of the challenges developers face when developing Ajax applications that are maximized for all types of computers, browsers, and users.
You may fail to connect to a site through IPv6 and have an error message sent to the requesting application on your computer (read: web browser).
Cookie: Cookie是一小段数据,通常含有一个匿名的独特标识,由网站计算机发送到您的浏览器并存储在您计算机的硬盘上。
Cookie: a cookie is a small amount of data, which often includes an anonymous unique identifier that is sent to your browser from a website's computers and stored on your computer's hard drive.
If you would prefer to not install anything on your computer, there's also the Vanish Online Service which you can use from your web browser.
A bit of computer code that is part of a Web page, and is executed by the user's Web browser when the page is displayed.
The browser (whether it be on a computer or mobile device, phone, or tablet) is the means by which more and more people interact with applications.
然后,只要我的笔记本计算机和iPhone在同一个Wi - Fi网络中,就可以打开iPhone并使用Safari浏览器根据IP地址访问我的本地机器,然后访问这个应用程序。
I can then turn on my iPhone and use the Safari browser to go to my local machine by IP address and access the application, as long as my laptop and my iPhone are on the same Wi-Fi network.
While computers can use the syntax of HTML documents to display them to you in a browser, Web computers can't understand the content-the semantics.
Chrome was the first browser to keep its different computational "processes" separated-each TAB or browser plug-in is given individualized access to your computer's resources.
And others access the server directly using a web browser, without needing to install Jazz-specific software on their machine.