Agencies for testing the quality and safety of agricultural products shall be subject to metrological accreditation in accordance with law.
The method how the center of thunderstorm preventing in Guangxi took part in the metrology accreditation is present.
This article introduced that the concept and significance of both review of laboratory accreditation and metrology certification which were launched together.
The authentification of the measurement administration department of provincial level is necessary for the qualification of a secondary laboratory of building materials.
The quality of testing reports could be greatly enhanced through metrological accredited and regular quality management.
For the standardization of laboratory work with metering and authentication, how the tedious management work becomes simple, easy to operate is the key of raising efficiency.
是国家制造计量器具专业生产许可单位,ISO 9001: 2000质量管理体系认证企业。
State measurement equipment manufacturing units specializing in the production license, ISO9001:2000 quality management system certification enterprises.
是产品质量保险、计量合格单位。2004年通过了ISO 9001- 2000质量管理体系认证。
Insurance is the product quality, measurement of qualified units. 2004 passed the ISO9001-2000 quality management system certification.
2013年公司通过ISO 9001质量体系认证,2014年获得计量合格确认单位,并且2014年还获得资信AAA级证书。
In 2013 the company passed the ISO9001 quality system certification, in 2014 to get qualified to confirm measurement units, and in 2014 also won AAA credit certificates.
The warehouses have certified truck scales and railroad, as well as grain dryers.
The paper introduces existing problems of the metrological work, the establishment of metrological assurance system and the quality system certification in the Datong Coalmines Group Co.
This paper introduces the implementation method for establishing the metrological data transmission system based on Windows operating system and by using the dial-up network.
This paper introduces the implementation method for establishing the metrological data transmission system based on Windows operating system and by using the dial-up network.