The love feeling also affects sophisticated cognitive functions, such as mental representation, metaphors and body image.
The iconicity of politeness in the mental representation is discussed, which can be examined from cognitive context iconicity, pragmatic distance iconicity and scalar quantity iconicity.
Linguistic communication is cognition based, because use of language involves all sorts of psychological representations and knowledge structures stored in our brain.
It is an important domain in cognitive psychology to study the mental representations and characteristic of thinking in problem solving.
This paper made an analysis of the formation of social psychological representation through cognitive linguistics and its role of understanding the metaphors from the cultural elements.
They consider the notion of context as a mental phenomenon and define cognitive context as a cognitive representation of the interaction between cognitive categories (or mental concepts).
Psychologists have done a lot for the research on semantic representation model of lexical and its influential factors by the method of cognitive processing and neural connection.
The. structural representation of concepts has been an important part in the research of cognitive psychology.
According to the phenomemon how a blind man look at the road, the paper analyses the domain specificity of man's cognition when the perception has been defaulted.
Number processing and it's spatial representation have been the hot topic in cognitive psychology.
The Mechanism of Digital Processing and Representation of Space is a hot-discussed cognitive psychology research in recent years.
Cognitive linguists argue that the referent of an anaphor is an entity existing in the human working memory rather than in the text or certain context.
Cognitive linguists argue that the referent of an anaphor is an entity existing in the human working memory rather than in the text or certain context.