• 如果这位不忠的丈夫德克·诉讼离婚表格转变甚至具有戏剧性

    If the errant husband has the divorce filed in Texas, the tables are turned even more dramatically.


  • 离婚损害赔偿请求权一种实体权利,既适用诉讼离婚,也应当适用于登记离婚

    The claim right of divorce injury is a substantive right suitable for litigation divorce and registry divorce.


  • 老婆据说丈妇的出轨后(出确认),其筹算诉讼离婚担心将会掉踪房产

    The wife learned that her husband had been unfaithful (this is why they are not identified) and planned to file for divorce, but she worried she would lose the property.


  • 离婚诉讼传唤。

    She was cited in the divorce proceedings.


  • 个经典案例就是某人期满一些投资者离婚欠款法院纪录进行核对,发现破产诉讼即将到来

    The classic case is someone on the brink of foreclosure . some investors check court records of divorces arrearages , and upcoming bankruptcy proceedings to find such people .


  • 没有通知妻子就国家提起离婚诉讼妻子看法,她的国家是最吝啬的国家。

    Without his wife’s knowledge, he filed for divorce in her country, one of the stingiest jurisdictions in Europe (from her point of view).


  • 法官休•本,鉴于麦卡特尼和米尔斯已分居事实,米尔斯提出的离婚诉讼请求获准

    Justice Hugh Bennett said the petition for divorce by Mills was granted on the grounds that the couple had lived apart for two years.


  • 提出结婚已经30,但是谎称自己只有24岁,2007年,意识到妻子的欺骗,岑提出了离婚诉讼希望法庭可以批准的请求。

    Luo, who was 30 when husband-to-be Cen asked her to marry him, told him she was just 24. In 2007, Cen filed for divorce after realizing he had been duped and the court granted his wish.


  • 如此经过调解庭外协议不是生厌诉讼赛跑,和平离婚有望实现。

    That would then make it easier to end marriages amicably, with mediation and out-of-court agreement, rather than a race to start the beastly business of litigation.


  • 宣告失踪一方提出离婚诉讼的,准予离婚

    Divorce shall be granted if one party is declared to be missing and the other party thereby files an action for divorce.


  • 2009年5月参加18内衣模特生日派对新闻被爆料后,卢斯科尼的妻子随即提出了离婚诉讼

    In May 2009, Berlusconi's wife initiated divorce proceedings after he attended the birthday party of an 18-year-old underwear model.


  • 这些妇女有时嫁给外国男人希望能够移民其他国家或者提高生活水准他们愿望得不到满足时开始离婚诉讼

    These women sometimes marry foreign men hoping to immigrate to another country or have a higher standard of living, and when their aspirations are not met, they start divorce proceedings, Wang said.


  • 比如许多离婚诉讼金钱用于邪恶目的而且诸多暴行实施都打着金钱的幌子。

    In many divorce proceedings, for instance, money is used for evil purpose, and an awful lot of violence is perpetrated in the name of money.


  • 英国可能很快导致开始离婚诉讼然后开始申请意外事件生活费,这申请包括有关诉讼规定

    In England, that may be followed by a swift move to initiate divorce proceedings, and then an emergency maintenance application that includes provision for legal costs.


  • 九月份开始提供离婚如果英语婚前协议面临法律诉讼它将付清一切费用。

    From September it will offer a kind of divorce insurance that will pay out if English prenuptial agreements are subject to a legal challenge.


  • 有些丈夫国外提起离婚诉讼并且完全没有出席英国法庭希望国外执行判决费用拖延使他们前妻放弃

    Some husbands file for divorce abroad and simply fail to turn up at the English court, hoping that the cost and delay of enforcing the judgment abroad will lead their ex-wife to give up.


  • 2009英国最新数据显示,2009年113949离婚诉讼中,有68%女性提出的。

    The latest UK figures for 2009 show that 68 percent of the 113, 949 divorce proceedings that year were started by women.


  • 2009英国最新数据显示,2009年113949离婚诉讼中,有68%女性提出的。

    The latest UK figures for 2009 show that 68 percent of the 113,949 divorce proceedings that year were started by women.


  • 胡安妮塔·乔丹2002年1月提出离婚诉讼一个撤回了诉状表示和乔丹正在尝试调解

    Juanita Jordan previously filed for divorce in January 2002, but withdrew her petition a month later when the couple announced they were attempting a reconciliation.


  • 法律专家新的解释设念财产离婚诉讼供给了收略的参考

    Legal experts say the new explanation offers clear-cut reference for judgment in divorce lawsuits involving property.


  • 2001年一次名为“布鲁塞尔号(Brussels II)”改革规定离婚必须诉讼送达的首个法院判决,以防止“选购法院(forumshopping)”行为,亦即离婚当事人选择对自己有利的法院提起诉讼

    A reform in 2001 called Brussels II tried to stop forum shopping, in which each party sought the most favourable jurisdiction, by ruling that the first court to be approached decides the divorce.


  • 约翰妻子提起离婚诉讼

    John brought a divorce suit against his wife.


  • 最后只好提出离婚诉讼

    Finally she had to file an action for divorce.


  • 2010年,当时土豆首席执行官王微的前妻杨蕾提起离婚诉讼之后,这家中国视频流媒体网站不得不推迟了上市的计划。

    Tudou, a Chinese video streaming service, had to delay its 2010 initial public offering after Yang Lei, the former wife of its chief executive, Gary Wang, filed a lawsuit against him.


  • 原告请求法院被告向原告支付合理律师费以及进行本离婚诉讼而已经发生将要发生的诉讼

    Plaintiff requests the court award Plaintiff reasonable attorneys fees and court costs incurred and to be incurred in prosecuting a contested divorce action.


  • 原告请求法院被告向原告支付合理律师费以及进行本离婚诉讼而已经发生将要发生的诉讼

    Plaintiff requests the court award Plaintiff reasonable attorneys fees and court costs incurred and to be incurred in prosecuting a contested divorce action.


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