• 本文研究半参数变量误差函数关系模型

    In this paper, a kind of semiparametric errors-in-variables functional relationship model is studied.


  • 学习过程中正则措施使用普通误差函数

    In the learning process, the regularization method was used in the ordinary error function.


  • 算法特点参数动态搜索大大减少误差函数计算

    Single parameter dynamic search is the characteristic of this algorithm and therefore the calculation quantum of the objective function is reduced greatly.


  • 因此定义了一种系数加权误差函数控制梯度范数大小

    Hence, an error function with variable weighted coefficient is defined to control value of gradient norm.


  • 生成对应于所述样品测量其已知尺寸之间差值误差函数对应关系。

    An error functional map is generated corresponding to the difference between the measured and known dimensions of the artefact.


  • 所以BP网络误差函数中加入惩罚提高网络泛化能力的一个重要途径

    So adding a penalty term to the error function of BP network is an important approach to gain better generalization.


  • 进而建立了光线偏折误差数学模型并得到不同方向测量圆钢直径误差函数

    Also obtained are the error functions of the bar diameter when measurement is taken in different directions.


  • 为了简化计算,本文直接运用曲线隐式表达式定义误差函数,并证明了这种方法的合理性

    In order to simplify calculation, the error function is defined according to the implicit equation of c


  • 目前BP网络采用误差传播算法学习训练神经网络,算法基于网络误差函数梯度下降

    BP network adopt error against propagate algorithm to leam and train the neural network at present, this algorithm is on the basis of the error function gradient of the network.


  • 建模实践表明改进后BP算法可能使网络误差函数达到局部极小提高了算法的拟合精度

    Applying improved BP algorithm, it shows the improved BP algorithm can easily converge into the local minimum point and it can improve the accuracy of model.


  • 通过最小化频域平方误差函数揭示设计问题有关一些矩阵性质得到滤波器系数闭式

    A closed-form solution for filter coefficients is obtained by minimizing the frequency-domain squared-error function and revealing some properties of the matrices related to the design problem.


  • 针对大规模地形数据庞大、地形绘制速度问题,提出一种基于分块包围球误差函数地形绘制方法

    To a large number of terrain data and the slow speed of terrain rendering, presenting a terrain method based on data block and ball error metric.


  • 针对大规模地形数据庞大绘制速度慢问题提出一种基于数据分块包围误差函数的地形绘制方法

    Aiming at the problem of large number of terrain data and low speed of terrain rendering, this paper presents a terrain rendering method based on data block and enclosing ball error metric.


  • 采用一种修正算法(MCMA),算法使修正的误差函数最小并且适应学习率接收序列即时调整。

    In the paper, a modified constant modulus algorithm (MCMA) is proposed. The proposed algorithm minimizes a modified error function and the learning-rate is multiplied by received sequences.


  • 采用信号四统计量提取信号特征使用设计误差函数训练RBF神经网络,使得识别的效率正确度得到了明显的改善。

    The forth-order and sixth-order cumulants of received signal are adopted for features extraction while RBF neural networks with a new designed training cost function being used for classifier.


  • 针对矩阵变换器调制方式特点,提出了基于输出电压误差函数分析的矩阵变换器离散调制技术推导了基于时间离散差分原理的电路方程

    Based on the output-voltage error function, a novel time-discrete modulation technique is proposed for matrix converters (MCs) and time-discrete difference equations of a MC circuit are derived.


  • 可能会,令函数D误差达到最大

    That could actually be a maximum of this error function D.


  • 其中d(n)隐藏节点 n 的函数让我们来看(1)n 对任何给出输出节点有多大影响;(2)输出节点本身对网络整体误差多少影响。

    where d(n) for a hidden node n, turns on (1) how much n influences any given output node; and (2) how much that output node itself influences the overall error of the net.


  • 准确快速计算正弦函数其他函数需要非常仔细算法专门用于避免无意地将误差变成的错误

    Proper calculations of sine and other functions that are both accurate and fast require very careful algorithms designed to avoid accidentally turning small errors into large ones.


  • 结果表明目标误差为0.01,径向函数分布常数4时,网络达到最优化总的正确识别率为96%。

    When error goal is 0. 01 and speed constant of radial basis function is 4, the network achieves optimization, and the total correct rate is 96%.


  • 这里将网络的总体误差作为目标函数以待求的所有参数作为变量,同时调整,构成全监督算法

    Defining network error as optimum objective function, all parameters are looked as function variables, and an entire-supervised algorithm is studied.


  • 小心使用BigDecimal (double)构造函数因为如果不了解它,会在计算过程产生舍入误差

    You should be careful with the BigDecimal (double) constructor because it can allow rounding errors to sneak into your calculations before you know it.


  • 两个函数调用产生误差方法库可能吗?

    Two functions calling Time lib causing error, workaround possible?


  • 这些函数要么返回参数缺乏一致性,要么隐含着所谓的“截断误差”(truncation errors)错误,要么无法提供足够强大的功能

    The current functions have inconsistent return values and parameters, truncation errors, and lack advanced functionality.


  • 目标误差为0.01,径向函数分布常数5时,网络达到最优化总的正确识别率为98%。

    When the error goal is 0. 01 and speed constant of radial basis function is 5, and the network achieves the optimization, and the total correct rate is 98%.


  • 本文提出基于新的激励函数BP算法建立误差预测模型,修正新型广义预测算法预测输出。

    In the paper presents the predictive out of a new generalized predictive Control is corrected by the error predictive model based on a new excite function BP arithmetic.


  • 模型刀具相对于工件空间误差表示机床结构件之间运动误差位置函数

    The model expresses the relative motion errors of the tool with respect to the workpiece as a location function of its elemental errors.


  • 根据信号、本底时间分布以及时间、时间误差质量、质量差等变量之间关系构建概率密度函数

    The probability density function (PDF) is constructed from the time distributions of signal and backgrounds and the relations among time, time uncertainty, mass, and mass difference variables.


  • 通过误差矩阵模具工作特性函数输入控制量加工高精度自由曲面光学镜所面临的难题

    It is a difficult problem to solve the inputted data when the matrix of error data and the working characteristics of the tool are known in precision machining.


  • 通过误差矩阵模具工作特性函数输入控制量加工高精度自由曲面光学镜所面临的难题

    It is a difficult problem to solve the inputted data when the matrix of error data and the working characteristics of the tool are known in precision machining.


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