• 收信人如果不能理解这样正式请求书也无疑浪费笔墨。

    The demand letter that the recipient cannot understand is no more effective than a shouting match.


  • 任何国家项通知关于请求书现行程序继续有效

    Until such notification is made by a State, its existing procedure in regard to letters of request shall remain in force.


  • 请求书所为之执行不得因而索专家费用以外之任何性质之规费。

    Execution of letters of request shall not give rise to a claim for reimbursement of charges or expenses of any nature whatever other than expenses of experts.


  • 请求书说明书权利要求书附图摘要应当分别阿拉伯数字顺序编号

    The request, description, claims, drawings and abstract shall be numbered separately in Arabic numerals and arranged in numerical order.


  • 请求书说明书、权利要求书、附图摘要应当分别阿拉伯数字顺序编号

    The written request, specification, patent claim, appended drawings and abstract shall be numbered separately in Arabic numerals and arranged in numerical order.


  • 申请发明或者实用新型专利的,应当提交请求书说明书及其摘要权利要求书等文件。

    Where an application for a patent for invention or utility model is filed, a request, a description and its abstract, and claims shall be submitted.


  • 第27条(社员退社之期限)社员年度终了时退社。个月提出请求书

    Article 27 a member may quit from the cooperative at the end of a business year, but shall submit a letter of application three months before.


  • 请求书应当写明发明或者实用新型名称,发明人或者设计人的姓名,申请人姓名或者名称地址以及其他事项

    The request shall state the title of the invention or utility model, the name of the inventor or creator, the name and the address of the applicant and other related matters.


  • 如果公司开始调查权利请求书控诉书中的主张法院可以认为是适当期间中止任何派生诉讼。

    If the corporation commences an inquiry into the allegations made in the demand or complaint, the court may stay any derivative proceeding for such period as the court deems appropriate.


  • 因此,进入了一些资料请求书表格提交数秒钟内收到审判关键在我的电子邮件一起下载链接安装文件

    So I entered some of my information in the request form, submitted it and within seconds I received a trial key in my email together with the download link to the installation file.


  • 第二十七修改:“申请外观设计专利的,应当提交请求书外观设计图片或者照片以及对该外观设计简要说明文件。”

    Article 27 is amended as: "to apply for a patent for a design, the applicant shall submit an application, pictures or photos of the design, a brief introduction to the design, and other documents."


  • 6)项商标法条约》第10条第(1)项款第11条第(1)项款采用办法相一致的,即:允许登记请求书涉及不只项注册。

    Paragraph (6) is in line with the approach adopted by the TLT in Articles 10(1) and 11(1), namely, to allow that requests for recordal can refer to more than one registration.


  • 可以以前起草的信函寻找类似的范本,可以参考一下此文附录中所列的范本包括预约书,说明书,正式请求书合同谈判备忘录,合同意见书传真函等)。

    Find a similar letter you have sent in the past, or see the Appendix to this article for sample engagement, cover, demand, contract negotiation, contract advice, and fax letters.


  • 可以以前起草的信函寻找类似的范本,可以参考一下此文附录中所列的范本包括预约书,说明书,正式请求书合同谈判备忘录, 合同意见书传真函等)。

    Find a similar letter you have sent in the past, or see the Appendix to this article for sample engagement, cover, demand, contract negotiation, contract advice, and fax letters.


  • 我们应该仔细斟酌学生们的请求——学校图书馆应该提供更多关于大众科学

    We should consider the students' request that the school library provide more books on popular science.


  • 曾请求政府允许她把书移到一个安全的地方,但他们拒绝了。

    She had asked the government for permission to move the books to a safe place, but they refused.


  • 果你需要的书借出去了,你可以在书还回来时请求为你保留。

    If the books you need are out, you may ask for them to be kept for you when they are returned.


  • 回国时候同意出版商请求了解生活蓝本为小姑娘们本书

    When she returned, she agreed to her publisher's request that she write a book for girls based on the life she knew.


  • 曼德基金会表示:“要曼德拉先生书作序的请求多得让不过气来。”

    "Mr Mandela is still overwhelmed by requests to write book forewords," his foundation said.


  • 如果销售业务单位准备请求建议书(requestfor proposal,rfp)响应,那么他们可以进行协作处理不同版本文档

    If the sales business unit wants to prepare a response to a request for proposal (RFP), they can collaborate and work on different versions of a document in a library.


  • 如果销售业务单位准备请求建议书(requestfor proposal,rfp)响应,那么他们可以进行协作处理不同版本文档

    If the sales business unit wants to prepare a response to a request for proposal (RFP), they can collaborate and work on different versions of a document in a library.


- 来自原声例句

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