The calling convention dictates this register to be nonvolatile.
There is no explicit calling convention for these registers.
This paper analyzes the characteristics of those calling conventions with assembly language.
This is undefined behavior and will depend on the calling convention being used.
这个例程使用了 __cdecl C声明调用约定,并返回空值。
This routine uses the __cdecl C declaration calling convention and returns void.
Returns a signature helper for a method given the method's calling convention and return type.
Use the proper header that ships with your library so that it USES the calling convention the library was compiled with.
The following lines should be one or more paragraphs describing the object's calling conventions, its side effects, etc.
This is based on the calling conventions specified by the architecture's ABI (Application Binary Interface).
Returns a signature helper for a method given the method's module, calling convention, and return type.
Returns a method having the specified name, binding information, calling convention, and parameter types and modifiers.
If you change the function name, class, calling convention, return type, or any parameter, the decorated name is no longer valid.
This will however only happen if the calling convention is changed and this is not likely to happen very often.
The managed signature of the platform invoke call might not match the unmanaged signature of the method being called.
There is one flag set, namely DEFAULT, it means that method is static, and lets CLR determine a calling convention used.
An extremely important thing to note is that the function that is the detour function must have exactly the same calling convention and parameters as the function to be detoured.
This is unsafe because of the difference in the default calling conventions between pure and native code (or mixed native and managed).
The function definitions inside a class normally have a peculiar form of argument list, dictated by the calling conventions for methods — again, this is explained later.
添加_ stdcall修饰到所有idb的成员函数里,因为这是Win32平台下COM对象机制里标准的调用约定。
Add _stdcall to all members of IDB, since this is the standard calling convention for COM objects under Win32.
本期文章重点放在基本的语法和SPE汇编语言及ABI (applicationbinary interface或平台的函数调用约定)的用法上。
This article focuses on the basic syntax and usage of SPE assembly language, and the ABI (the application binary interface, or the function calling conventions of the platform).
You call a method that is out of contract, which I might break anytime.
It is an XML-based protocol that consists of three parts: an envelope, a set of encoding rules, and a convention for representing remote procedure calls and responses.
So to embed an existing API within a web service definition, you just need a convention for how to represent call parameters and return values as XML message structures.
At the same time, Ruby USES some syntax conventions that make method calls look like attribute access looks in other languages.
您可以以任何形式调用此函数,但是必须遵守sprout Core的命名约定。
You can call this function anything you want, but we have chosen to follow SproutCore's naming conventions.
第一个约定是在方法调用中使用 Ruby的圆括号(可选);第二个约定就是使用半专有的方法命名,其中使用了在其他语言中作为运算符的符号。
The first element of this is Ruby's optional parentheses in method calls; the second part is its use of semi-special naming of methods with symbols that are operators in most languages.
CherryPy USES these informal conventions to eliminate several steps of this process, providing user input as the arguments to the Python method it decides to call.
This code looks at the name of the invoked class and method and matches these to the name of a Hibernate query using convention over configuration.
The nc machines send a nc program with predefined instructions to the DNC host, then the host analyses the nc program and executes the instructions, so the function of remote call is realized.
The nc machines send a nc program with predefined instructions to the DNC host, then the host analyses the nc program and executes the instructions, so the function of remote call is realized.