• 的话完全责备的语气。

    His voice was full of reproach.


  • 的话里既有同情责备

    His words were a mixture of pity and reproof.


  • 责备伊莎贝尔一眼。

    She gave Isabelle a reproachful look.


  • 妻子严厉责备

    He listened to his wife's bitter reproaches.


  • 责备不该匆匆离去

    He reproved her for rushing away.


  • 他用责备的目光看着

    He looked at her with reproach.


  • 可能责备珍妮特

    There was no question of my blaming Janet.


  • 没有理由责备自己,也没有理由感到羞愧

    You've no reason to reproach yourself, no reason to feel shame.


  • 没有必要那种,”埃文斯太太责备道。

    "There's no call for talk like that," Mrs. Evans reproved him.


  • 卢克母亲收起了笑容,用责备的眼光看着

    Luke's mother stopped smiling and looked reproachfully at him.


  • 多布森责备激进派法官们通过赞成同性婚姻裁决破坏家庭

    Dobson blames activist judges for undermining families with favourable gay-marriage rulings.


  • 担心如果他们饿死了,她受到责备

    She's afraid that she'll be blamed if they starve themselves into their graves.


  • 责备母亲低级趣味廉价生活方式

    I blamed my mother for her bad taste and her cheap ways.


  • 阿姨继续说下去口气里混杂着烦恼责备

    The aunt went on, in a tone of mingled vexation and reproach.


  • 纯粹是个问句语气里没有责备愤怒

    It was purely a question, no blame or anger in my tone.


  • 作为一名国际公务员行为必须无可责备

    My behavior as an international civil servant must be beyond reproach.


  • 已经尽力了,赞扬责备现在影响不了

    I had tried my best, neither praise nor blame could affect me now.


  • 知道希望事后责备什么都忘了

    You know I shouldn't like you to blame me afterwards and say I had forgotten anything!


  • 有点自私吗?”责备

    'Isn't that a bit selfish?' he chided.


  • 查克责备理发

    Chuck would lecture me, telling me to get a haircut.


  • 受到老师温和责备

    She received a mild reproof from the teacher.


  • 竖起眉毛,面露责备

    She raised her eyebrows in reproof.


  • 责备眼光

    Her accusing eyes were fixed on him.


  • 证券委员会责备公司没有课以罚款

    The Securities Commission chastised the firm but imposed no fine.


  • 没有责备意思

    I didn't mean it as a criticism.


  • 杰克责备自己多虑

    Jack chided himself for worrying.


  • 睡觉,”撒谎说语气中带着责备

    "I'm trying to sleep," he lied, speaking reprovingly.


  • 老是责备

    He's always getting at me.


  • 老是责备

    She goes on at him continually.


  • 看着一张张脸上责备的神情,突然赶快溜走

    Looking at all the accusing faces, she felt a sudden urge to run away.


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