The project involves transferring the skills of the 15, 000 household locust farmers in Thailand across the border.
At the same time, we are paying high attention to international communication on trans-border water issues.
The impacts of border to transborder economic cooperation include shield effects and agency effects.
Within the partnership agreement are terms to encourage cross-border growth of existing clients as well as the mutual pursuit of new business.
This involves transferring the skills of the 15, 000 household locust farmers in Thailand across the border.
This involves transferring the skills of the 15,000 household locust farmers in Thailand across the border.
In North Waziristan, for example, a 2006 agreement led to a tripling of cross-border infiltration.
Secure e-authentication systems must have a legal framework for cross-border recognition and interoperability by the end of 2011.
It is impacted intensely by border, because it is not just an economic behavior for transborder economic cooperation, but a kind of economic, social and cultural phenomena.
CAPA has an important role to establish better communication and understanding amongst members in order to encourage greater cross-border activities in the accounting and business arena.
Based on above views, the transformation and character of the mechanism, institutional arrangement and organization structure of transborder economic cooperation have been discussed.
Building on these findings, the latest research examined how a growth mindset of interest can boost integrative thinking across the traditional disciplinary boundaries of arts and sciences.
One possible reason is that the resource manager wants to avoid the situation, where it has to hold some resource locks if the result set is held across the transaction boundaries.
Certain software environments requiring a high degree of control over assets which will cross community boundaries may seek this template.
The SSRM helps to address the security requirements of the SOA due to increased exposure to risks and vulnerabilities of loose coupling of the services and operations across organizational boundaries.
However, processes have certain general characteristics that apply across methodological boundaries.
This includes the integration of the computing systems that support business operations and their increasing exposure within and beyond the enterprise boundary through SOA.
Portals bring together information, applications, and people in ways that cross new boundaries within organizations.
All these barriers are further complicated by the need to manage change and assets across geographic boundaries in a secure environment.
Reuse engineering in its essence consists of reuse experts (reuse engineers) that are employed in positions that span across project boundaries.
Storing such values is even more difficult, so it is best to never use values that cross 16-byte boundaries.
Subsequent articles will focus on the joint realization of requirements crossing hardware and software boundaries and multiple viewpoints.
In today's market, conditions demand that companies be more responsive and efficient in managing complex processes across organizational boundaries because of their multiple systems.
Role: You may create a community based on some common role (e.g., Analyst) that crosses organizational boundaries.
However, the current state of SOE doesn't address the issues of governance having cross-jurisdictional boundaries in a grid.
Exchange of information across organizational or enterprise boundaries.
Testing of composite applications, including the challenges of testing across business boundaries.
Because the acquired lock does not persist across transaction boundaries, the import utility loses its IX table lock and must request another lock after each commit.
Because the acquired lock does not persist across transaction boundaries, the import utility loses its IX table lock and must request another lock after each commit.