• 转子可能三叶。

    Number of lobe of rotor in rotating pump may be two or three.


  • 一种新型圆弧摆线啮合转子进行了研究。

    A new type of arc cycloidal internal meshing rotary pump was studied.


  • 提出了无密封转子设计理念,设计了一种无密封转子泵

    A conceptual design of no-sealing rotor pump is put forward and a type of structure is designed.


  • 部分转子采用简单的直齿轮驱动电机电机采用地脚螺钉固定

    Used part of the rotor pump is a simple spur gear drive motor, electric screw fixation using pin.


  • 转子驱动系统选择受到安装空间大小所需的安全防护等级的影响。

    Rotor pump driven by the choice of system size and the required installation space of the impact of security level.


  • 根据使用方式,转速扭矩要求可以转子匹配不同驱动装置

    According to the use of pump rotational speed and torque requirements can be matched to a different pump rotor drive.


  • 可以保存转子工作特性参数,可以在线进行参数转换调节选择

    It can save four sets of characteristics of the rotor pump parameters, parameter online conversion, regulation and choice.


  • 这种带有比例调节功能转子具有好的工作可靠性适应性使用舒适性

    This regulatory function with the ratio of the rotor pump, very good job with reliability, adaptability and the use of comfort.


  • 最后用一个摆线转子计算实例对计算公式进行验证了摆线转子的图形。

    Profile equation of complex inner rotor is deduced and analyze, and accurate equation of cycloid rotary pump flow is produced.


  • 最后摆线转子计算实例计算公式进行验证绘出了摆线转子图形

    Finally, calculation case of cycloid rotary pump is given to demonstrate calculation equation, and a graphic of cycloid rotor is illustrated.


  • NY P转子主要转子托架密封轴承等组成

    NYP rotor pumps are mainly internal and external rotor, shaft, pump body, the front cover, brackets, seal and bearing etc.


  • 柔性摆线转子齿轮叶片优点于一身同类容积效率提高10%以上。

    Flexible set cycloid gear pump rotor pump vane pump with the advantages of a similar volume than pump more than 10% efficiency.


  • 摆线转子因其结构紧凑、运转平稳噪音低等优点而被越来越广泛应用各个领域。

    The cycloid rotor pumps are applied to many fields more and more widely with the advantages of compact structure, stable running and low noise.


  • 首次通过计算并控制摆线转子转子线外凸部分最大曲率半径方法避免转子线根切。

    Simple explicit expressions for calculating the limit dimensions to avoid undercutting on the tooth profile of the small rotor in cycloid rotor pump are derived first time in this paper.


  • 介绍了轻油铁路卸车主要采用三种方式真空系统(转子泵)接卸潜油接卸。

    Three major oil unloading methods used in tank trains are introduced. They are vacuum system, sliding vane pump, and submersible pump unloading.


  • 转子提供简化物质交换防止了由于泄露而造成密封剂损失有助于保持清洁工作环境

    The Drum Pump offers a simplified material exchange, prevents sealant loss due to leaking and helps to maintain a clean workplace.


  • INOXPA系列卫生型转子采用机械密封型密封O型圈密封,单密封水冲洗两种

    The shaft sealing in the INOXPA pump it can be by mechanical seal. Lip seal oro-ring seal. These arrangements can also be supplied either with or without flushing.


  • 因此新型转子可以采用较普通转子泵更高工作转速更多齿数,并获得的流量、更小的波动和更小的磨损

    So, this new type of cycloidal pump is capable of operating with higher rotation speed and more teeth, higher specific flow rate, less flow fluctuation and wear.


  • 螺杆发达国家广泛使用国外多数单螺杆”《MONOPUMPS》,德国称为偏心转子”。

    Single screw pump has been widely used in developed countries, most of the foreign said single screw pump as "Monod pump" "MONOPUMPS", Germany called "eccentric rotor pump".


  • 摆线齿啮合齿轮叫做摆线转子中的齿轮内齿轮相关一个齿,因此这种内啮合齿轮需要设置隔板

    Cycloidal tooth profile of the internal gear pump, also called cycloidal rotor pump, pump the small gear and internal gear only related a tooth, so the internal gear pump do not need to set partition.


  • 离心式()的比较:离心式由于结构简单造价得到了广泛的应用。它与转子比较主要以下几点区别

    And centrifugal pump (pump milk) Comparison: centrifugal pump because of its simple structure, low cost and widely used. Compared with the main rotor pumps have the following differences.


  • 今天常用的旋转齿轮、内齿轮、摆线转子泵、滑动叶片螺旋每种类型都有优点适合于特定场合的应用

    The most common rotary-pump designs used today are spur-gear, generated-rotary, sliding-vane, and screw pump, each type has advantages that make it the most suitable for a given application.


  • 绍了一种新型无脉动曲端转子工作形成原理、工作过程结构设计进一步深入研究和开发完善新型曲端转子泵产品奠定了基础

    Based on geometric design, a novel working volume formation principle of forniciform surface-end rotor pump was introduced, elementary analysis and design of working mechanism are also presented.


  • 绍了一种新型无脉动曲端转子工作形成原理、工作过程结构设计进一步深入研究和开发完善新型曲端转子泵产品奠定了基础

    Based on geometric design, a novel working volume formation principle of forniciform surface-end rotor pump was introduced, elementary analysis and design of working mechanism are also presented.


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