• 其次有利于农业产业结构农产品进出口结构调整

    Secondly, it will be helpful in the readjustment of the farming structure and the structure of the import and export of agricultural products.


  • 进出口商品结构继续改善机电产品、高新技术产品出口分别增长17.3%13.1%。

    The trade mix was further improved as evidenced by 17.3% growth in the export of mechanical and electrical products and 13.1% growth for new - and high-tech products.


  • 进出口总额年均增长15.9%,结构不断优化

    Total import and export volume grew by an average annual rate of 15.9%, and the structure of imports and exports constantly improved.


  • FDI不仅直接间接地影响了母国进出口贸易规模结构流向而且在很大程度上带动了母国出口市场范围扩大

    Not only does FDI directly or indirectly influence the export and import scale, structure and direction, but broaden the scope of exporting market.


  • 本文介绍中国食品包装机械进出口情况提出要进一步调整出口产品结构开拓国际市场

    This paper introduces the import & export situation of China food and packaging machinery, put forward adjusting the structures of exported products and opening up the world market.


  • 九江海关进出口商品结构呈现出半殖民地经济性质

    The structure of imported and exported goods of the customs of Kiujiang also took on semi-colonial economic nature.


  • 分析世界铁矿工业现状、铁矿产品进出口情况研讨了铁矿产品的结构劳动生产率价格

    The paper analyses the current situations of international iron industry and the import and export circumstances of iron products and discusses the structure, productivity and price of iron products.


  • 结果表明采用新型结构强化传热的同时降低通道进出口差。

    And experimental results show that the new structure microchannels can enhance heat transfer and reduce pressure drop across microchannels at the same time.


  • 上海外高桥保税物流园区进出口检查桥采用大跨度空间拉杆拱壳结构

    The basic analysis of the long-span space steel tied-arch structure for the gate of Shanghai Waigaoqiao Logistics Center is presented.


  • 我们尝试中国出口数据解读这种情况当然,从全球进出口份额结构分析会准确有说服力

    We try to use the export data of China to explain this situation. Of course, using the share and structure of global exports and imports to analysis will be more precise and convincing.


  • 分析PVA生产现状消费结构进出口状况,对我国PVA的市场前景进行了展望。

    Current situation of production, consumption structure and import and export of polyvinyl alcohol were analysed. Market prospect of China polyvinyl alcohol was expected.


  • 第二讨论1862 - 1911年间厦门外贸商品流通量概况,介绍厦门外贸进出口商品结构及其变化几种大宗商品进出口概况。

    Chapter two, Discuss the turnover of Xiamen commodity from the year of 1862 to 1911, introduce the composition of exports and imports and its variation, and the condition of several commodities.


  • 一方面国家地区根据自身比较优势生产自己具有优势的产品,由此决定了进出口商品结构

    On one hand, according to its own comparative advantage, a country or an area produces one's own products with advantage, which has determined goods'structure of imported and exported.


  • 采用便结构使检修需拆卸进出口管路电机

    Its detachable structure makes it possible not to take off the inlet and outlet pipeline and motor in maintenance.


  • 本文利用购买力平价理论弹性理论人民币实际汇率我国进出口国别结构影响进行实证分析

    This thesis using purchasing theory and theory of elasticity is aiming to carry out empirical analysis to examine the influence between RER of RMB and import and export.


  • 阀座采用O形密封圈密封施加预紧浮动阀座结构,使阀门进出口双向密封;

    The seal ring uses the floating seat ring structure with o-sear ring sealed and pre-tightening force applied to have inlet and outlet dual-way sealed;


  • 本文主要研究辽宁省外贸商品结构产业结构关系,重点研究分类商品进出口产业结构的影响。

    This paper studies the relationship between the commodity structure of foreign trade and industrial structure in Liaoning Province;


  • 本文主要研究辽宁省外贸商品结构产业结构关系,重点研究分类商品进出口产业结构的影响。

    This paper studies the relationship between the commodity structure of foreign trade and industrial structure in Liaoning Province;


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