Is there any relationship between the Chinese non-English major EFL learners' use of adverbial connectors and the quality of writing?
The analysis also shows that the learners lack a full understanding of style appropriateness and semantic properties of some conjuncts.
When the second independent clause in a sentence has an independent marker word, a semicolon is needed before the independent marker word.
He did not like your suggestion, and yet he raised no objection.
Based on more comparable corpora, the present study verified some of the previous findings about the use of adverbial connectors by Chinese learners.
A small number of the Chinese verbs find their equivalents in English nouns, adverbs, even conjunctions.
In modern spoken Mandarin 'wan-le' (' when finished ', 'afterwards') has been grammaticalized as a discourse-connecting temporal adverb though it is not listed in common dictionaries yet.
In modern Chinese, "meaning" adverbs have the basic disappears, leaving behind only infrequently-used phrase connection usage and usage.
The seventh chapter analyzes the clause- coherent function and textual -cohesive function of Chinese and Korean rhetorical mood adverbs.
The application of cohesive devices do not exclusively mean the use of conjunctions, and in fact, pronouns and adverbs are often used as linking words in the context.
The application of cohesive devices do not exclusively mean the use of conjunctions, and in fact, pronouns and adverbs are often used as linking words in the context.