As a result of its dual role in mimicry and mate selection, divergence in wing pattern is also associated with speciation and adaptive radiation3,5.
The fossils show what is known as an adaptive radiation. This is biology-speak for a period of diversification so fast that the individual splits cannot be distinguished.
Emphasis is given to the characteristics of the dose response and time response relationships of adaptive response induced by extremely low dose rate ionizing radiation.
CHICAGO - Even for indications as serious as suspected stroke, doctors should be aware of the radiation doses being delivered with the multiple ct exams typically delivered during the course of care.
These individuals are distinguished by very darkly pigmented skin and long, thin bodies with long limbs, which are excellent biological adaptations for dissipating heat and intense UV radiation.
These changes suggest the possible prescence of active substances in the cells of Antarctic Cyanophyceae-B able to resist UV-B radiation.
The exothermic cable low-temperature radiation heating system is a new type of heating mode that is suitable to the variation of the urban energys structure.
Objective: to observe the dose rate effect of adaptive response of thymocyte apoptosis and cell cycle progression induced by low dose X ray radiation.
Objective:To investigate whether not low dose radiation (LDR) can induce immunological adaptive response (IAR) in mouse splenocytes in vitro.
Objective To observe the dose-rate effects of adaptive response of thymocyte DNA lysis induced by low dose radiation.
The Adaptive Time-delay Neural Network (ATNN) based on exo-atmospheric space point target IR radiation sequences is proposed in order to improve the recognition rate.
Objective: To explore the regulative mechanism of apoptosis-associated gene proteins on the adaptive response of splenocyte apoptosis in mice induced by low dose radiation .
It is an excellent greening species as well as a beautiful ornamental. Its growth characters are pests and diseases resistance, antipollution, anti-nuclear radiation, high environmental adaptability.
Results The results showed that treatment with cold-adaptation could increase the level of NO by irradiation, and attenuat the production of the ADR level in blood.
Objective To observe the effects of radiosensitivity in cold-adaptation.
The exothermic cable low-temperature radiation heating system is a new type of heating mode that is suitable to the variation of the urban energy structure.
It can be carried out with millimetre wave smoke and millimetre wave chaff… Another is one that change the rato of the temperature about to the target and backdrop radiation. Present…
For adapting to new scanning type of future satellite microwave radiometer, a new microwave radiometer model which has structure simplicity, high stability, high sensitivity was suggested...
For adapting to new scanning type of future satellite microwave radiometer, a new microwave radiometer model which has structure simplicity, high stability, high sensitivity was suggested...